Chapter 9

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Darius's POV
My alarm went off and I groggily reached over and turned it off. I lay in bed for five more minutes before getting up and going over to my onsuit. I did my business then showered before dressing in formal wear to greet the other alphas in. I then left my bedroom and went down into my kitchen to fix myself some breakfast. I fried pancakes, bacon, eggs and sausages. Making some toast and fixing myself a glass of orange juice. With my plate loaded I sat down on my kitchen island and read the paper as I ate my breakfast. The paper I was reading was about events within the werewolf world. It said that one of the pack recently handed over the alpha title. Another two packs merged to strengthen both. Oh, and what caught my eye the most was that another omega was found and one of the alphas I was supposed to meet today was bringing her with him. While reading the omega article I dropped my fork and almost chocked on the piece of bacon I was eating. Wait for another omega where did she come from, how old is she from the Same place as Summer.

I finished my breakfast just as a knock came to my back door. I placed my dishes in the sink after quickly rinsing them and went to open my door. As my door opened it revealed my other beta, Chaz. "Alpha Darius the other alphas have arrived their waiting for you in the meeting hall," said Chaz moving aside so I could step out of my home and lock the door. I then walked through our village towards the meeting hall in the middle of the Village. Our pack resides in a sort of woodland village with around fifteen cabins as well as the meeting halls. And every new pair of mates gets a cabin built and if not the cohabitate with their friends. It worked well for our original 25 pack members which has now gone up six. When we stopped outside of the meeting hall Chaz stood on the outside with the other packs' betas because this was an all-alpha meeting. 

Upon entering the meeting hall I am met with the sight of four other alphas. There were the alpha twins Elijah and Ethan the southern alphas. They both had rusty brown hair and light brown eyes the way to tell them apart was that Elijah had a scar running through his left eye. Then there was the eastern alpha, Kenneth. Kenneth has hair so brown it almost looks black with moss green eyes. And finally, there was the western alpha Salem. Salem has dark blond hair and eyes so blue they look grey. "Alpha Darius it's so nice of you to finally join us" spoke Kenneth in mock hurt. "Yes it is alpha Kenneth sorry to keep you all waiting and now shall we get down to business" I replied to which the other four state alphas nodded their heads. "I believe the first item of business is the omega that Elijah and Ethan brought with them" spoke Salem which got him a glare from the twin alphas. Ethan then excused himself and when he returned he was carrying a crate. He placed the crate on the table we were sitting at and opened the door and we all waited with bated breath as to what will happen. Slowly but surely a sandy paw appeared from inside the crate before it pulled back again. "Can you not hurry it up" spoke Salem with a hint of annoyance in his voice to which myself and the rest of the alphas growled at him. At the sound of our growling, the small sandy wolf darted of the crate and looked at all of us with wide frightened eyes before barreling into my chest. I gasped at the contact because where she was touching I felt sparks. "MATE" I growled softly as she snuggled into my chest. "My name is Tessa and I'm 18" she spoke in my mind and my heart constricted at the sound. The next hour was spent devising a plan to take down the blue bone pack after I learned that Tessa was from there as well I almost went on a rampage but I settled when she allowed me to run my fingers through her fur. After all, our planning was completed I mind linked my sister that the alphas wished to see Summer. We then trekked to Liz's cabin where I told them we all had to suppress our alpha auras and wait in the kitchen.

I knocked on the back door that led to the kitchen. Liz opened the door with a small smile but had bags under her no doubt from getting up with the pups for night feedings. "Do come in Summer is in the living room with the pups but please suppress your auras  I don't want her to have another panic attack" spoke Liz as she led us to her kitchen table where coffee and snacks sat waiting. "Thanks, sis who do you think should go in first," I asked adjusting Tessa in my arms. "Darius who's that in your arms," Liz asked noticing the way Tessa snuggled closer to me. "She's my mate this is Tessa she's an omega also," I said and Liz almost broke her face with the large smile. "Congratulations that's wonderful. Now back to business Elijah should go first then Ethan then Kenneth then Salem and you last okay Darius" said Liz before going back into her living room. "Well Elijah why are you waiting for you got the lucky straw" spoke Kenneth with amusement at Ethan's jealousy that Elijah got to go first.

Elijah left the kitchen and I did hear his heartbeat hitch when he entered the living room no doubt seeing Summer in amongst her pups. Each alpha had five minutes before the next one took his place each one looking very happy as they returned to the Kitchen. Then it was my turn, I carried Tessa in with me and as I walked in I saw Liz sitting with Summer on her lap whilst Summer held two of the babies and the other three spread in front of them in baby bouncers. Summer whimpered when she recognised me and pushed closer to Liz. When Tessa heard the whimper she whimpered back and they both turned their heads to look at each other. Summer then got of Liz's lap and gave her the babies she was holding before shifting into her red merle wolf and leaping in front of me at which point Tessa had jumped down from my arms.

The other alphas looked through the door as the two omegas stared at each other. Then a memory from Summer pushed through the link. In the memory, Tessa was her only friend who got vile abusive treatment the same as Summer. Their cages right next to each other until Tessa was taken away by the alpha and my breath caught in my throat when I finally got a clear image of him. He looked like the rouge leader my father killed when I was ten I saw him because I was there when he killed my little brother Heath. A rumbling growl left my chest as the memory faded and Ii had to calm down I was so close to shifting.

I stumbled back a few steps my breathing ragged as anger made its way through me at the thought of my dead brother. I felt the shift before I could keep it down and my wolf burst through my skin as growls continued to rumble through me. I was losing my control within my rage. And then I felt a small hesitant lick on my jaw-dropping my eyes I saw that it was Tessa looking at me with concern. I felt myself calming staring into her eyes as she rolled over on her back willingly submitting herself to me. My wolf laid down next to her and placed his head over her neck and curled around her in a calming circle with his body pressed up against hers as she opened her mind to the pack.

"Darius what's wrong," Liz asked to hold a shaking Summer and she looked terrified. "I know who Summers alpha was. He's the son of the rouge alpha dad killed for killing Heath" I spoke to her in the mind link and she gasped a silent tear slipping from her face in memory of her little brother. "Every one thanks you for coming and we've had a breakthrough on the case. Darius go get fresh clothes I'll keep Tessa and Summer safe while you make a plan on action" Said Liz addressing everyone in the room. I left the house and rushed to get dressed and headed back to the meeting hall where a plan would be made.

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