chapter 14

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Liz's POV

Last night was magical and my inner beast was finally content that my mate was finally mine in every way. I hummed as Summer snuggled closer to me in her sleep whimpering every time she felt I was too far away. I tried to shake Summer awake to which she scrunched her nose before her eyes blinked open to look up at me. It was adorable I had to contain myself from cooing at her cuteness. "Good morning Liz" Summer whispered as she stretched herself out with a yawn.  "Good morning sweetheart," I said as I rose from the bed grinning in triumph when Summer's eyes lingered on my naked form. "Liz do we have to go to training today" Summer whined as she pushed the covers of her body and I gulped as desire spiked in my loins. "yes dear it'll help you get to know the pack" I replied as I shook my head to rid myself of my lustful thoughts.

I stopped talking as I picked Summer up of the bed and entered the bathroom. I washed a half-asleep Summer before washing my self trying to keep my desire in check. I then helped Summer dress herself stepping back when she said she could do it on her own. Summer then took my hand and led me to the pups room where the babies were just starting to stir. The first wail came from Zeus followed by Ares, Apollo and then the girls Athena and Artemis. "There, their boys" Summer cooed as she reached down and picked up Zeus and Apollo rocking them both on her hips. I picked up the other three pups before taking them downstairs and changing their nappies and putting them in their bouncers. I then turned to Summer who had just finished changing Apollo and said: "I'll go make their bottles can you play with them until then".

"Okay, Liz" Summer replied as I left the room and portioned out the formula in five bottles before turning on the kettle letting it boil before pouring the water into the bottles. Then put all the bottles in a bath of cold water waiting until they were optimum temperature.  While I was waiting for the formula to cool down I made some toast for myself and Summer eating mine and giving summer hers. When the bottles cooled down enough I balanced all five of the bottles in my arms before taking them through to the living room. I gave Summer two bottles and smiled when she offered Ares and Athena their bottles. I then tried to balance the other three bottles and we managed to get all the pups fed and burped. "The pups will be with the two elderly wolves of the pack while we're at training" I commented as we were getting ready to go later that morning. "will everyone be at training," Summer asked quietly her voice taking on a nervous quality.

"Yes, but don't worry I'll be with you every step of the way" I answered truthfully as I placed a kiss on Summer's forehead. Summer nodded at me with a small smile though it didn't quite reach her eyes. "I will be fine as long as your with me" Summer whispered and my heart skipped a beat as she said she felt safe with me. I pulled Summer into my arms then and placed my lips on hers in a gentle kiss. A knock on the door stopped us from going any further. I opened the door to see Beth and my mom Elaine. "You two having fun" Beth questioned with a wiggle of her eyebrows as she took in our position, Summer blushed as she tried to hide her face in my chest. "We were" I grumbled slightly irritated at being interrupted. "we've come to help you take the pups to the elders and then we can all go for training it starts in five minutes and we don't want to keep Darius waiting do we honey" spoke my mom in a tender tone as she walked into the house picking up one of the pups with Beth following before picking up another of the pups so myself and Summer could pick up the remaining pups.


Summers POV

Just as we finished dropping off the pups Liz led me towards the training field where nearly all of the pack was waiting. Darius and Chaz standing in front of the crowd, I knew Chaz as the second beta as he looked after the pack when Liz and Darius had gone to my old pack. I also heard a lot about him from Beth she was his mate and had all good things to say about him. Tessa was Standing with Darius as well though she was in her wolf form as Darius ran his fingers through her head fur. "So nice of you to join us sister" Darius teased Liz who just rolled her eyes at him before we went and stood next to the pack so he could address everyone. "Now everyone we have new pack members joining us in training today" Shouted Darius and the whole pack cheered as it was always a special occasion when the pack grew.

"Now first we will run as a pack around the territory to get used to each other in our wilder forms then we come back to do combat training" Darius commanded his voice booming across the field. Darius shifted first nuzzling into Tessa's neck. I shifted along with Liz and let out an excited yip at being in wolf form after the concentration it takes to stay in human for long after I had been a wolf for years. Liz let out a quiet growl as she jumped over me and turned before licking between my eyes. Darius let out a loud howl which the rest of the pack responded to and then we raced through the trees avoiding branches, jumping over falling debris. The thunder of paws echoing through the forest was exhilarating as I never got the chance to run with the pack when I was apart of the blue bone pack. I Finally understood the sense of comradery you get whilst running as a pack as you feel at one with the pack.

All too soon the run had ended and we were back in the clearing shifting back and putting our clothes back on. I felt alive and free after the run and more comfortable with my new pack mates. I then copied the drills Darius showed and picked them up with some ease. I hope my new pack will give me the time and space I need to become accustomed to them and I was looking forward to every minute of it.

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