Chapter 16

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Summer's POV

I smiled to myself as I patted the bearly noticeable bump on my stomach. I grinned, even more, when I spotted our pups running around waiting for the other pups to get here for their birthday party. today they were all six. "Hey Summer how is it going," Beth asked as she brought over a tray of juice drinks to put on one of the outdoor tables with the food. "I am well, I just hope everything goes off smoothly without any issues" I responded as my eyes wandered over to Liz who had the pups attention as she was explaining the rules to them about how the were to behave. "I'm sure it will, they get their ranks around the time the were actually born right. And the way things are I'm sure they might all be warriors or defenders with how protective they already are of each other" Beth mused as she contemplated the recent actions of my pups who were all getting more aggressive at school. 

"They were born in the height of the sun on the day I gave birth so we just have a little while to wait," I said thinking back to my situation back then. I have come so far in the near six years I have belonged to this pack. I have a wonderful family which is growing every year since I got here we are now at around 40 strong. When I joined there were only around 25 wolves. I guess time does change things. After my first run as a pack, I started opening up more with the other members of the pack. Sometimes I get flashbacks but with Liz by my side, I can overcome any of the residual terror from my past. "Any way Summer, I know you have some more buns in the oven so to speak. How many do you think you have in there" questioned Beth removing me from my thoughts. 

"Two or Three I think but it's not for me to decide. It depends on how many my human body can sustain healthily because I was a wolf the last time I gave birth" I answered as Mac had said five pups at once was dangerous for my human body. The only good thing about being a wolf the first time is that I had the room and the energy to sustain so many pups. "I guess it doesn't matter as long as they are healthy," Beth said dreamily. She and Chaz had yet to get pregnant and they were more than ready. "It will happen when you least expect it, so just live for today" I reassured pulling her into my lap and patting through her hair as she cried on my lap. I let her cry because I know how much having her own pup would mean to her. 

We sat like that for the next five minutes while Beth sorted through the torrent of her emotions. "Thank you, Summer, I needed that. The guest are arriving, I'm going to freshen up and then I'll be back" Beth Spoke with sincerity before rushing into the house. "Your welcome" I called after her at which she flashed me a brilliant smile of trust and friendship I had to choke down tears of my own. The reflection in her eyes was pure and truthful a bond of friendship that won't break easily.  "Summer dear, can you come to welcome our guests as well" Shouted Liz and I rushed over to her lacing my fingers with hers as I held her hand lovingly. 

"Welcome, Chaz, Beth is getting freshened up. It was nice of you both to come" I Said watching with anticipation at Chaz's next move. "Thank you for having me, I'll be back when I find my mate" Chaz responded before racing past Liz and myself with a look of determination. "Summer, what are you planning" Liz quizzed even though her face showed a smirk. "I don't know what you're talking about," I said while smiling innocently. We burst out laughing after that until someone cleared their throat. "Oh sorry welcome, Dr Mac and family" Liz Spoke Welcoming Mac his wife and their son and daughter who were six and eight respectively. "Thank you for hosting us today," Said Mac as they moved on into the garden mingling with the guest who was already here. "Who else are we waiting for," I asked Liz looking out into the street. "My parents and Darius and Tessa and my sister as she isn't on business any more" Answered Liz and not soon after all five of them arrived together. we welcomed them in and with that, all of the quests were here those who weren't were the wolves patrolling the territory. Liz's sister was an investigator meaning she was often away from the pack for extended periods of time but she was a great person she was around a lot when I first arrived at the pack because I was one of her cases. 

"Sister I see you're doing well, I heard you have more pups on the way" Liz's sister questioned. "Yes, Ellie we do it will still be a few months until they get here. Anyway, how is work treating you?" Liz responded and added her own question. "Work is busy as always, I'm tracking a serial killer of pups at the minute who is targeting pups under ten to force a pack into grief and then rouges attack," Said Ellie like that sort of thing happens all the time. "What, we are safe right, Liz" I whispered with tears stinging the corner of my eyes at the thought of losing any of the pack's pups not just my own. "We are safe. We will all defend any pup that gets attacked no matter what" Liz claimed not a trace of doubt on her face as she said the words.

After that brief conversation with Liz's sister, the party got underway. The pups were playing with the other eight pups of the pack two of those pups belonged to Mac and his mate the others all had different parents. As the day progressed we spoke with nearly all our guests before the time came the pups would receive their ranks by the message of a magic tattoo that would appear briefly on the right shoulder before disappearing until the pup has earned their role within the pack and there is always room to change one's destiny if the pup is not happy with what their inner strength is capable of. 

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