Chapter 18

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Darius's POV

My pups are due any day now and after that attack that took place about four months ago, I was not taking any chances with my mates or my pups safety. I was currently patrolling the territory in my wolf form with Chaz and my other beta. Our paws made quite crunching sounds on the leaf litter as we marked the territory. I finished the patrol with a thundering howl that rang out through the territory before we headed back to the village assigning guards for the first part of the night. I left my two betas in the middle of the town before heading to my home where Tessa was waiting in the living room for me.

"Welcome back Honey, How was the patrol," Asked Tessa as she rose to greet me. "It was fine no intrusive scents. And you really shouldn't be standing your due any day now" I Answered before picking her up and purring contently when she snuggled closer into my chest. "I'm not gonna break from some mild walking" Tessa giggled. The sound-making my heartbeat that much faster. "I know but I wanted you in my arms" I husked into her ear enjoying the blush that crawled up her neck and settled on her cheeks. 

"Fine, you win. You big softy" Tessa Spoke as she placed a soft kiss on my cheek as I sat us both down on the sofa. "Only for you sweetheart" I Replied placing a kiss onto her forehead. I enjoyed the time we spent together like this. Just the two of us. It won't be like that for much longer though we were expecting pups any day and with the state the pack was in our future is looking bright. I admit when Summer turned out to be Liz's mate I was jealous of my sister but then my golden furred beauty appeared before me. Now that my family was prospering maybe I could finally put what happened to Heath in the past and let it be known that I had found my peace. 

"Well, in any case, we should get some sleep" Tessa announced as she moved from my lap. Grabbing my hand and led me to our bedroom going past the gender-neutral nursery we had set up in one of our spare rooms. "Ok, I am tired and I have to entertain a visiting Alpha tomorrow. He just got his status so is here to renew the alliance between our packs going back to my grandfather" I explained yawning as the bed came into my line of vision. After our short conversation, we settled into bed, I waited until Tessa was comfortable before settling into sleep myself.  

I awoke a while later to moist sheets and I looked over to Tessa who was drowsy but I could still see her panicking through the haze. "Darius, help" She whimpered no doubt the pain would have already started. "You'll be fine sweetheart, I'm just going to call for a doctor," I said before I rushed to find a phone. I quickly dialled Mac's number and waited until he answered. "Hello, is that Dr Mac. my mate has just gone into labour" I tried to speak calmly down the phone but my voice cracked a few times. "Bring the mother to the infirmary and contact anyone the mother wants to be informed" Rushed out Mac before he hung up.

I rushed to do as he had said, I rang Liz and told her what was going on and then I rushed back Tessa who was writhing in pain on our bed. "Don't worry honey, just hold out a little more" I assured before picking her up bridal style and rushing out of our house and down the road to the Infirmary where Mac's wife was waiting at the door with a concerned look on her face. "Alpha's, come in, come in," She said as she ushered us inside where a room was already prepared for us. I nodded in thanks before going straight to the open room and placing Tessa on the bed. I sat on the chair next to the bed rubbing the sweet out of Tessa's forehead with a cool rag. "Alpha Darius, I can't say I wasn't expecting you both tonight," Mac said as he came in with two nurses suited up in his scrubs. "Ah Mac, I'm glad to see you sorry for waking you up so early in the morning" I apologised as he had likely had patients all day. "Think nothing of it, my boy this is much more important than sleep right now," Mac said to me before ordering the nurses to put Tessa in a surgical gown so that delivery would be easier. 

While I didn't like the idea of another male near my mate. I pushed that down and told myself this was necessary as we had yet to get a female doctor. Luckily Mac's female pup has the mark of healing which he and his wife are nurturing to see that the pack might get a female doctor for birth and the like. "It is going to be a while until you are ready to push Tessa," Mac said as he jotted down some notes on a clipboard. "Darius, it hurts" Tessa whimpered in a delirious state of pain. "I know sweety" I tried saying as I continued to run my fingers through her blond hair stopping to stoke the wolf ears that were on her head in her lessened state of concentration. 

"We're here, how far along is she, is she ok" Summer demanded as she walked into the room and went straight up to the other side of Tessa and took her hand. "Sorry we, are late brother waking up a heavily pregnant mate is hard" Liz whispered to me as she entered the room and patted my shoulder. "Summer is that you" Tessa whined as no doubt another contraction hit. "Yes I'm here, what do you need," Summer asked as she petted through the fur of Tessa's tail which seemed to relieve some pain. I copied the gesture and smiled when Tessa seemed to be in a bit less pain.

Tessa's labour lasted for hours until the wee hours of the morning before Mac told her it was finally time. And after hours of pain and screaming our two sons were finally born. They are perfect. Both had black hair tufts with streaks of blond. We went home after Tessa had recovered with our twins. Around four days later Summer gave birth to a set of twins a boy and a girl and the pack was overjoyed. We will be naming all four pups tomorrow as it has been a week since their births. (So do you guys wanna name Darius and Tessa's twin boys. And Liz and Summers Twins

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