Chapter 7

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Darius's POV
Oh no, what have I done I should have waited until she was off the stage to approach it again, I thought as I listened to Summers anguished cries and howls that were so full of pain and sorrow it made everyone in the hall whimper in sadness. Up until I had gotten to close she was doing remarkably well given her past. I now understand why she's so fearful of alphas and males in general. We need to investigate what's been going on at Summers old pack. I am however proud that she managed to hold back her shift in order to ask someone to look after her pups.

"Really Darius you couldn't have waited for her to feel a safe distance away from you," Liz said her eyes looking hard into mine as Summers cries died down and then stopped completely.  "I'm sorry Liz I didn't mean to scare her but you know everyone's wolves want to be close to her" I replied back still beating myself up for making her run when she ran her legs trembled and her ears and tail were screaming submission. "I know brother but we have to take things at her pace, not ours," Liz said back to me as she gave our mom Elaine one of the pups she was carrying so she could pick Artemis up of the stage. "I just..." I tried to add more to that sentence but I couldn't. "Come now brother it's not your fault, just wait a little longer. but now you need to discuss what we're going to do about Summers old pack" Liz spoke softly but strongly. "Liz, Beth mom go and see to Summer while I get back to the meeting, I will send Mac with the details later" I ordered and they left the meeting hall leaving me to address the rest of my saddened pack due to Summers exist and her cries.

"I know you all want to comfort Summer but she only trusts Liz and is only partially comfortable around females. She's terrified of males and alphas" I addressed the remaining wolves in the meeting hall. That statement was then met with whimpers because it was hardwired in our instincts to protect, comfort and nurture omegas, omegas also kept the scent of a pup all the way through their lives as sort of a fail-safe to make sure they are nurtured and loved. "Right back to the problem at hand from the memories that Summer has projected over the past eight days, I gathered that her previous pack was called the blue bone pack, although I'm sure that pack was wiped off the face of the earth seventeen years ago. However, the memory from when Summer was handed over to the dogfighting establishment she was rescued from the alpha cut ties with her using that as the packs name" I growled out through clenched teeth remembering all the memories that Summers wolf had projected showing the horrors of that pack and this most recent memory was the last straw we had to find that abomination of a werewolf pack. "I have reason to believe the territory of the pack is in the west in the area of the western alpha" I spoke after the growls of rage had left the room. "We will contact the eastern, the southern and the western alpha in order for us to right the wrong that has been dealt with our omega," I said and with that, I concluded the meet and asked Mac to take the word of the meeting to Liz, Beth and my mom.

Once most of the pack had exited the meeting hall I walked towards my father Frank the previous alpha. "It's not your fault she ran son you just need to give her time," said my father placing a reassuring hand only shoulder. " I know dad it's just that as an alpha my instincts to protect are stronger than anyone else's and I don't know how to deal with it" I replied with a defeated sigh. "Then perhaps you could redirect those instincts into tracking down Summers old pack," said my father before walking away to exit the meeting hall. I then headed in the direction of my office so I could dig out lists of all the alphas so that I could contact the most prevalent ones, its time to redirect my instincts.

"Liz's POV
"Liz do you think she's okay," asked Beth as we came towards my home. "She just needs time" I spoke as we entered my house through the front door which was slightly ajar. I left the door slightly open in case we encountered problems at the meeting. As we walked through my home I noticed the minimal damage that was done normally a frantic wolf would have nocked everything in their way down giving no regard for whose home they were destroying. But not Summer she cares about the consequences too much even though I wouldn't have given her wrong for knocking anything over. When we entered my living space Summer was flat out on the mattress she's been sleeping on curled into a ball her ears flat and tail tucked into herself, she looked so vulnerable it started pulling at me to shift and curl myself around her. "I'm going to shift and lie with her to calm her and her wolf can you both make sure her pups don't need anything and then set them up in their cribs," I said before stripping and quickly transforming into my black wolf with a white patch on my chest. I looked up with my wolf's head my eyes carrying my unsaid message to the other females in the area.

Once I was sure my message was received I climbed onto the mattress and curled myself around Summer so that we were in a ball where her head rested on my hip. When I got comfortable and Summer didn't move to wake up I slowly let my self drift to sleep as I felt her small form finally relax against me as she slept.

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