Chapter 10

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Summers POV
As alpha Darius got back with new clothes on Tessa my friend ran to him and licked his jaw as a show of affection as she was still in her wolf form. He chuckled at the gesture and ran his fingers over her head fur at which she purred contently. Ah, the bond of a mate I cannot believe she's not terrified of him. "Well, Darius what's the plan now you know," asked Liz as she placed a comforting hand on her brother's shoulder. "We formulate a strategy and then we attack. I have a feeling most of the pack members who were there when the take over happened will remember we need to liberate one of them so we have a plan of attack" replied Darius. Liz and Darius spoke for a while before they said they had to speak with the other alphas and left myself and Tessa with my pups and I could smell Beth in her wolf form circling the house.

I shifted back to my human form and put the clothes on Liz left for me. I did a once over on all the pups who were sleeping soundly with little snores here and there. "Why don't you take your human form and we can catch up," I asked Tessa who whined before shifting to her human form her sandy tail and ears still present in her human form as mine were. It was an omega trait to calm other wolves. Although if we tried we could shift without the extra appendages that weren't needed at this moment.

I handed Tessa some clothes and we sat down on the couch so we could talk. "I so glad to see you Summer after you left the alpha started going mad he's even killing other pack members" spoke Tessa sadly her ears drooping.

"How did you escape," I asked interested in the story. "I was given a chance to run, the alpha persuaded me trying to kill me until I made it to the border. When I crossed the border I ran into another territory where their alpha found me and brought me here. How do you have pups?" retold Tessa as her eyes wandered through the room before landing on my pups. "The alpha sold me to a dogfighter. I was used to fighting dogs and make the man money. After a while, they decided I was too good to fight and wanted to make me have offspring. They shackled to a device and I was bred with a wolf. 6 months later Liz found me and a week after I found out she was my mate and we have to give pups" I explained trying to fight the trauma of being forcefully bred.

"I'm so sorry you had to face that alone" replied Tessa as she wrapped her arms around me in a comforting hug. The rest of the day we took care of the pups and went over the mate situation and what was expected. I had to concur I wanted Liz to take her claim on me.

Liz's POV
I watched my brother paced the meeting room as he explained the identity of the enemy. The son of the werewolf that killed our brother. Our brother was training to be beta back then and the memory often leaves a sting on our hearts. "Beta your thoughts on the matter," Darius asked me formally. "My thoughts are that the rouge took over during a power shift where the previous alpha was handing overpower. We need to get to that pack soon my mind has been open with Summers since the meeting started and she told me Tessa has revealed he is killing pack members" I summarised to the best of my ability.

"What" Darius exclaimed as growls reverberated through the room as the anger became palpable. "This has gone too far mobilise the warriors we leave at first light" snarled Ethan and Elijah and there were growls of agreement all around. after that, I sat observed the meeting. plans were made to travel to the territory and rescue trapped pack members and eliminate the rogue threat. when the meeting was adjourned Darius and myself hurried back to my home eager to see our mates. when we entered the house was quiet aside from gentle breathing telling us both omegas and the pups were asleep. Darius picked up Tessa who snuggled closer to him and nodded in my direction before leaving my home. I, in turn, checked the pups who were fast asleep before scooping summer up in my arms. After being picked up my Summer opened her eyes on alert for danger but when she saw me she relaxed into my hold.

"How did it go" Summer whispered as she licked under my jaw in a comforting gesture. "I think it went well we have an action plan now" I replied nuzzling her head to calm myself down after being around all the testosterone-filled alphas. "Liz I" I heard Summer mumble as blush spread on her cheeks. "You what darling" I promoted encouragingly. "I want you to mark me, claim me please" Summer squeaked out her cheeks becoming even redder. "Are you sure sweety theirs no rush" I replied calmly trying to hold in my excitement at having permission to claim my mate. "I'm sure" Summer replied in the most confident tone of voice she had. I then carried Summer to our room and laid her on the bed covering her lips with mine in a gentle kiss.

I kept the kiss slow and gentle until I was sure Summer could handle more. I slowly increased the intensity of our kisses Summer arching of the bed and into my chest at the sensation. I then began rubbing my leg in between Summers as we both ground against each other I soon become hard. You see even though I am female. Female werewolves develop secondary sex characteristics if they get a female mate and in my case, I now have a penis instead of my female sex compartments as I didn't need them any longer. I ground my length into Summers core eliciting a moan from both of us. I then moved my lips towards her neck and sucked on the flesh eliciting a soft mewl. I then released my Canines and bit down of the exposed flesh of her neck groaning when I caught the sound of a moan of pleasure. I then released a moan of my own when Summer pierced my skin claiming me as hers. I came from the pleasure and I had Smelt Summers release when I had bitten her. I then carried a dazed Summer into the Shower and washed us both before settling back into bed letting a peaceful content atmosphere before we both drifted off to sleep.

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