Chapter 11

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Summers POV
I yawned awake as a pleasant tingle spread from my neck. I reached over the bed to find Liz, only to realise she was not there. I then got out of bed and headed down to the living room where Liz was feeding Artemis and Athena. Zeus, Ares and Apollo all sleeping in the bouncers at her feet. I then took the time to look Liz over, she slightly muscled form with a tribal tattoo on her arm.

"You like what you see sugar" Liz teased when she saw me watching her. "Is there a problem with that" I whispered back. Watching her eyebrows shoot up at my quick reply. I seemed more confident today I wonder if it has something to do with Liz's mark. "Well don't just stand there come on over" Liz spoke playfully.

I went over to the couch she was sitting on and she put the girls down before pulling me in her lap. I felt her hard on but didn't comment on it as I knew she was still getting used to her new appendage. She then started to nibble on my ear at first I flicked it back and forth until she hit a nerve on the back of my ear that had me letting out a moan. "Ah-ha, I found one" Liz exclaimed triumphantly. "You found what," I asked sceptically.
"An erogenous zone" she replied it was a confusing answer to me but she seemed happy so I'm happy for her too.

I let her continue her exploration on me as it felt good and honestly I love the attention. "Hi you both are decent right" a male voice shouted through the house. A voice which I recognised as Alpha Darius. "We're in the living room brother," Liz said back not bothering to shout as we were all werewolves. I flinched back when the alpha entered the living room. The look of hurt on his face after I cower always stings but he wiped his face of the expression before talking again. "Sister I came to tell you that it is almost time for our raid. I am also here to drop of Tessa. Our mom and Beth are going to watch them while we are away plus mac and two warriors for extra defence" Alpha Darius explained as Tessa bounded through the door in wolf form.

"Alright brother may I have five minutes to say goodbye," Liz asked to which I tilted my head. I watched as Alpha Darius nodded before leaving us in the living room. "Summer dear" Liz whispered so I turned in her lap to look into her eyes. "Yes," I whispered back as her eyes bore into mine with such intensity it scared yet excited me. "I love you with all of my heart and I will be back soon so wait for me and then we can fulfil our bond to one another" Liz all but husked out her words sending a shiver through my heart and fire down to my core. "I love you too Liz you are my saviour and I'll be forever grateful to you" I replied as tears slowly poured down my eyes. Liz then pressed her lips against mine in a slow sensual dance of purpose and promise.

"Goodbye, my love I will see you when I return" claimed Liz as she placed a kiss on my forehead before removing me of her lap and onto the chair. she then stood up and walked over to where her brother left and after see did Tessa bounded into the room in human form her ears dropped low and I knew she was just as sad as I was about our mates leaving us behind but this was something they had to do. After the alphas and their warriors left it was eerily quiet aside from the soft snores of the pups and I had a feeling it would remain this way until they returned.

Liz's POV

My paws thundered across the ground in time with my brothers and the other alphas as the warriors kept five or six paces behind us. we were first running towards the state alphas pack and then onto the blue bone pack. Darius in his wolf form seemed dejected and that was because we left our mates behind but we both knew that it was too dangerous to bring them back to their old pack with us as we don't fully understand the situation yet. We got to the southern alpha pack their beta and their pregnant females greeted us as their pups ran up to the warriors in who were in their wolf forms. We did not stay long, only long enough to get some sustenance and then we were on our way again.  I kept pace with my brother until we reached the blue bone pack territory. I used my senses to find where the pack was located.

 It seemed as though the pack was mainly concentrated in the middle of the territory although there were serval fainter scents coming from the eastern side of the territory the scent was confusing as the patrol for the pack was on the other side of the territory. 'brother I think the main pack is in the middle of the territory and the patrols are in the west of the territory but their s a group of wolves in the eastern part of the territory. I think we should go investigate'   I thought over to my brother who nodded his wolfs head and we set off the east in order to investigate. Once we crossed the border it was only a matter of time before the patrols found us and alerted the alpha of our presence its not like we were being cautious though.

 We hurried over to the small group of wolves there were to female wolves leading a pack of four teenagers and six pups. The young one's ears kept swivelling as if waiting for a noise to break their silent journey. The two older females were no better their its as if they knew they were being pursued the way they kept pausing to sniff at the air. Ethan and Elijah walked through the tree line first displaying signs of nervous anticipation. The twins walked low to the ground as they approached to show that they were no threat. They shifted together before approaching the band of wolves, they walked slow and deliberate not rushing forward before they reached the small band of wolves. "mate" the twins said together at the two women. The woman had taken their human forms each not knowing what to make of their other half. "well isn't this sweet" sneered a voice from the shadows and I gasped as the imposter alpha stepped out of the tree line with a dangerous smirk.

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