Chapter 4

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Liz's POV
We had just arrived home with Summer and her pups she was still asleep so we took the time to wash her and the pups as well as give each one a medical examination before placing them on a mattress on the floor in the corner of the room. Being in a tight space is what every mother once it gives her and her pups security and being so close allows for bonding. "So are they all healthy," I asked Mac as we watched the rise and fall of summers chest. "Yes, they are surprisingly their all well fed and apart for the very new scars on her body she did not receive any of the deep ones whilst at the dogfighting ring" Mac replied as he scribbled away on his note pad. "Hey I have a question why do those pups smell like werewolves if she was forced to mate with a dog," asked Tristan scenting the air. "That's simple she was bred with a wolf and old law says it's completely natural and the werewolf gene is dominant the only side effect is that the pups will be closely bonded to their wolves," Said Mac still Scribbling away. "What are you writing anyway," I asked to which Mac sighed and stopped writing. "She has five pups that are three weeks old yet I fear she is still a child herself. And what's worse is that I think she's under orders from her previous alpha to stay in wolf form so only an alpha can break the order" said Mac thoughtfully.

Suddenly I heard a groan come from Summer so we all stood back from where she was so she didn't see us as a threat. Her head came up and she yawned before looking around the room her eyes landing on each one of us before looking down at the comfortable surface she is lying on. Before anyone could react she jumped off the mattress and lay in front of us with her ears flat against her head her tail tucked under her belly and rolled onto her back and whimpered. Even though her presence is making everyone in this room surprisingly calm she seems terrified, her body then starts shaking as if she's having a panic attack or remembering a memory. "Summer was not going to hurt you your safe now come back to us come back to your pups," I said as I got down and cradled her shaking form until she stopped struggling and lay limp in my arms her eyes still closed as if she was bracing herself to take a hit. "I said before that I was not going to hurt you and I am not so could you stand in front of me please" I begged her as my wolf didn't like the distress radiating of the small omega and was telling me to comfort the omega.

After I asked her to stand in front of me she whined before getting off me and sitting right in front of me although she still kept her submissive posture. "Hey alpha I have the omega in my house I would like you to come to make her apart of the pack so we can see what she's thinking because she seems terrified of everything and I think she just had a panic attack," I said to my Alpha through the mind link before returning my attention to summer who was looking at the ground and still trembling. Not soon after I had mind linked the alpha there was a knock on the front door of my house. "Get the door please Liam," I said softly as not to scare Summer more than she already was. A few moments later the door open and then the alpha's scent became present in my home. A minute or two after the door had closed Liam rejoined us in the living room and not soon after Liam had got to his original position in the room the Alpha walked in suitably and tried to suppress his alpha aura as not to scare Summer who was currently starring into my eyes trying to figure me out.

When she saw I was no a threat her whole body slightly relaxed and her ears were put up slightly relaxing on top of her head and she let her tail fall so it wasn't tucked under her belly anymore and she stood her full height. "That's it Summer" I praised her to which her tail started to wag and she offered a short whine before licking under my chin. "Be careful alpha she's extremely afraid of alpha's and anyone else if she doesn't know you?" I said through the mind link and out of the corner of my eye I saw the alpha nod before removing his clothes and shifting into his charcoal black wolf with red ears and golden eyes. "Alright Summer you are now in the territory of the 'Gold Stone Pack' and this is our Alpha Darius he's here to make you part of the pack but to do that you need to submit to him," I said softly and Darius stepped in front of Mac his posture and aura screaming Alpha. As soon as the word alpha left my mouth Summer reverted back to the position on her back whining loudly and I could tell she was going into another memory. "Now alpha," I said to which Darius came forward in his wolf form and gently picked up Summer by her scruff and released all his Alpha aura and Summer was already in a submissive position so soon enough her thoughts filled our head. "No alpha please don't, I don't want to be an omega," said Summer. "Tough luck runt now I order you to remain in wolf form until I or another alpha says other wise," said the alpha and after summer shifted and she was thrown at a group of teenage wolves who kicked, punched and smacked before being shoved into a small cage with no food or water.

I blinked rapidly to get rid of my tears as Darius deposited Summer on the mattress with her pups who needed to be fed and just as he did that Mac walked in with a slab of meat medium rare in a bowl and a bowl of water and put those at the edge of of the mattress but not on it. Summer tucked into the meat but not before sniffing it and the water. Alpha Darius shifted back to his human form and put his clothes back on. "She's terrified of males and those who have status," said Alpha Darius. "It seems that way alpha" I replied as I watched Summer clean and nurse her pups. "Stop it with the alpha already your my sister just call me Darius," said Darius to which I answered, "yes big brother Darius". He chuckled before telling me there was something he needed to do and to tell him when anything changes but before he left he gave Summer permission to shift back. I myself am an alpha but my brother came first so it's his job and I get to be his beta so it all good our pack just happens to be the strongest in the world so Summer and her family should be safe here.

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