Chapter 2

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3 months later
Xavier's POV
It's been three months since I revived my red merl wolf-dog and let me tell you she's a promising young dog. Justin has trained her well and she has put on weight and muscle ideal for fighting dogs and I was surprised by how quickly she picked up her skills. Today is the day of her first fight against another female fighting dog that is owned by a contact of mine who wants to test out my new dog. "Sir The challenger has arrived," said Justin on the walkie talkie that was strapped to my hip. "Okay I'll get summer and you keep our guests entertained" I replied into the walkie talkie, walking toward Summers kennel to see her alert with her ears swivelling as Justin's voice announced her name to the crowd of men gathered. "Alright, girl it's time to fight" I spoke strongly and opened her kennel putting on a rope leash and leading her toward the fighting ring. "And now introducing Xavier's new wolf-dog Summer" Justin spoke as I entered the ring where a calm dog was waiting but when it saw Summer it went wild trying to get to Summer who seemed calm but was eyeing up the dog. "What she's not even gonna bark," Phil asked to which Summer gave a short bark followed by a wolfish snarl which proves she's a wolf-dog.

"Well, then I guess wolf is part of her" Phil sneered as he prepared to release his dog in the ring. "Alright owners prepare to release your dogs," said Justin and the crowd cheered while myself and Phil stood in the corners of the ring and released both of the dogs. While the other dog went straight for Summer, Summer sidestepped and bit into the flank of the opposition. Then suddenly they both reared up with teeth crashing against teeth, claws against claws before Summer had pinned her opponent and was going in for the kill so I pulled her back just moments before her teeth could reach the other dog's neck. "And the victory goes to Summer and Xavier, that's all for today and I hope to see you next week when we have a new challenger," said Justin before escorting out our guests while I went to see to Summers injuries.

To my surprise, she only had minor cuts and bruises, but her jaw was dripping the blood of her opponent and her eyes seemed fixed on the outside. "Good job today girl you'll get a nice juicy steak today and I hope you perform well in your next fight which is in a week," I said to Summer to which she barks as a reply. I finished cleaning her of blood and then proceeded to put her back in her kennel with a large steak and a bowl of water before heading back to the study in my house to figure out my earnings from today's match. I got into my office and sat down just in time for Justin to walk in with a huge grin on his face. "Hey boss we earned a killing of Summer and we got great reviews from everyone here and now we've got fights booked for the whole year.

1 year later
Summers POV
I've spent a year here now and let me tell you since I received my omega status this has been the best year of my life. I know dog fighting is wrong but because of my size and coat colour I am easily movable for humans and I've given up on trying to fight back against Justin as that whip hurts. I've also started learning the language of the dogs through body language and it works as I can hold a conversation with the nicer dogs that inhabit the kennel who are used as bait dogs so are still somewhat friendly to other animals but fearful. As I was lost chatting to Red a bait dog who is for the other dogs to train against when the kennels opened to reveal Xavier and Justin and they came straight up to my kennel and started chatting while they got me out and led me past the training field to a small contraption which had what looked like a collar and four shackles on the ground and a middle ring.

"Alright let's get this over with Justin strap her in and then bring the wolf,"

6 months later
Werewolf pregnancy's take six months to reach its climax so here I am about to give birth to what Xavier and Justin think are wolf-dog, wolf hybrids when in fact they will be a werewolf, wolf hybrids. I read once somewhere that the breeding between wolf and werewolf is completely natural and happened a lot when werewolf packs were first forming because the werewolf genes always win the battle and none of the offspring is just regular wolves. Suddenly I feel a contraction in my lower abdomen and it hurts real bad and I start to whine which draws the attention of Justin who looks over at me with a sick smirk on his face so I snarl a warning and he backs off just as the first pup leaves my body, I quickly get to work cleaning the pup of the birth fluids and pushing it towards my middle. Not soon after the first pup was followed by a twin and then a triplet and then a fourth pup and then a fifth. "Sir I think they are the only pups," said Justin curious. "I can see that you Moron," said Xavier. I eyed the two men before hiding my pups five pups from their view before growling a warning a very serious warning to say stay away from my us. Once they had gone I got to work looking over my four pups and learning their genders three were male and two were female there names will be decided once I leave this place I will not let anyone take them away from me ever.

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