Chapter 3

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Summers POV
It has been three weeks since I gave birth and I have not been disturbed by Xavier or Justin as I growl even when they lay food out for me as a warning to stay away from my precious pups. I looked over my pups to see my three beautiful sons and two precious daughters as I heard a siren followed by lights and since it was dark and my night vision still somewhat lacking I could only smell the scents of the people now entering the compound through the use of cars. The scents mingled together as they approached the kennel I was currently residing in I could smell several different human scents, but what caught my nose was the distinct smell of four werewolves three male one female. They had just reached the kennel I was being held in when I heard sniffing. "An omega" the female werewolf whisper shouted which then attracted the attention of I the three males. I growled a warning and tried to hide my pups under myself putting my tail in front of me so they could only see me.

"It's alright we're not going to hurt you OR your pups," said the female as she opened the kennel door and I shrunk down to the floor and flattened my ears against my head but still kept them from seeing my pups, when she came closer I started whimpering and suddenly the memories of my pack started to enter my mind and I started panicking. When she tried to grab me I moved backwards and shut my eyes expecting an impact but I was surprised when a gentle hand was placed on my head before her hands travelled down my fur stopping to trace every scar on my small frame. "May I check your pups please," she asked so softly that her tone did not scare me, so I removed my tail and watched carefully as she picked each one of my pups up checking their gender and then placing them in a crate behind her. "Your turn it's time to hop in the crate and you can sleep until we get to where we are going," she said and I nodded and climbed into the crate and melded next to my pups who sculled as I fell asleep.

Liz's POV
"Alright guys we got a tip this morning about an omega who was sold into a dogfighting operation it's time it was brought here to the goldstone pack," I said to the three males in the meeting room with me. "Is that why we're helping the human team to recover all those dogs?" asked Liam he's a warrior so this is out of his comfort zone. "Yes you idiot weren't you paying attention now we have to go meet up with the humans," said Mac he's the packs' reserve doctor he's coming to make sure the omegas healthy. "Why would an omega be there anyway I thought omegas make our wolves calm," said Tristan the other wolf in the room. "Yes but apparently one of the weaker sold their omega off to a dog fight establishment a year and six months ago under the pretence that it was a dog because it hasn't shifted since it gained its status" I replied calmly although u need to get it out of that place. "Why are we calling it an 'it' " asked Tristan. "Because I have. Yet to learn the gender I the omega much less it's name. "It's time to go," said Mac as the human swat team arrive at the end of the village.

Once our of the house we met up with the human swat team and we were on our way to the fighting establishment my wolf was unusually calm as we approach the rows if cages and kennels and from inside the car I could hear barking but I still could not tell a difference between the scents of dogs. We pulled up to the drive of the house in the middle of the kennels and stepped out of the car and I got hit with the stench of urine and faeces and an overpowering smell of dog. Then suddenly I caught a faint whiff of a werewolf along with the scent of newborn werewolves but I could not tell how many. "Guys follow me I know where the omega is" I whispered so that only the guys could hear me and then we went over to the kennel which was where the scent was coming from and I locked onto its exact location in the compound. And when I walked over to its cage I saw that the piece of paper at the front said her name was summer and she has just given birth to a litter. "An omega" I whisper shouted which attracted Mac, Tristan and Liam over at which summer growled a warning and lowered herself to the ground and flattened her ears and put her tail in front of herself to hide the wriggling body's beneath her.

"It's okay we are not going to hurt you OR your pups," I said as I opened the kennel to which she started whimpering And pressing herself lower to the ground. When I moved forward to touch her she flinched away as if expecting to be hit so I laid a gentle hand on top her head and ran my hands down her tracing every scar on her body which I could tell were not all from her time here and I growled in my head as some of these scars were years old. "May I check your pups please?" I asked softly as to not scare her and she removed her tail to show five small pups no older than three weeks. I herd Mac place a crate behind me so I carefully picked up each pup checked their gender and then placed the pups in the crate behind me. I hated that I was about to do this but I could tell she was tired and needed to sleep. "Your turn it's time to hop in the crate and you can sleep until we get to where we are going," I said and to my surprise, she nodded and climbed into the crate without a moment's hesitation and curled up to her pups before falling asleep. "Let's get her back to the pack along with her five pups," I said to the guys behind me. "She has five," said Mac and I nodded.

Once we got to where the cars were the humans had already rounded up the other animals and the human law inforcement had rounded up the human males responsible for this atrocious operation. "Get off my property and return my animals especially summer she is one of the best dogs I've had since I started this three years ago," said the male Who I presumed to be in charge. "You're not getting any of them back, and what you have been doing here is illegal and immoral and you will be going to jail for a long time and will not be owning any more animals ever" I yelled almost growling at him as I withdrew from the scene with the guys and with Summer and her pups.

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