Chapter 17

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Liz's POV

I am worried after what Ellie shared with us about her newest case but I have to cast it off for the time being and enjoy the time I have with my family before we have to give attention to newborns. I want to make sure our five older pups feel loved and reassure them that getting little brothers or sisters won't change that. "It's time everyone" Summer called as she had left me to gather the pups and place them the same way so we could all witness the triable marks they would display. As the sun reached the highest point in the sky the first tattoo revealed itself. "Zeus has the mark of a warrior" Darius announced and the mark faded as another appeared. "Artemis has the mark of truth" Darius continued before the mark disappeared. "Ares has the mark of a healer" Darius continued further. " Athena also has the mark of truth," said, Darius. "And Finally Apollo also has the mark of the warrior" Concluded Darius as the last mark disappeared. 

The duty of the alpha fulfilled in this ceremony Darius stepped back as the crowd gathered rendered into thunderous applause. "Liz what does the mark of truth mean" Summer questioned as she took her place next to me as the pups went off back to playing. "It means to spy or law. wolves with the mark of truth often go into the force. That's the reason Ellie is an investigator she earned her mark of truth. I earned my beta mark and Darius his alpha one. That is what our triable arm tattoos symbolise" I explained pointing to my arm and then showed Summer her omega tattoo which had been sliced from top to bottom the scar making it hard to decipher. I Can't believe her old pack would have been able to scar these sacred tattoos that helped us find our purpose. Summers's eyes became downcast when she saw the scar, but I wasn't going to let her feel bad about herself. I turned her face towards me before swooping down into a slow sensual kiss to which she whimpered before pushing away to breathe. "Your beautiful sweetheart, it Doesn't matter how many scars you have I'll always love you" I reaffirmed placing a gentle kiss on her forehead. "I'll always love you too" Summer replied with tears in her eyes as she leaned up to give me another kiss. 

however, before our lips could connect a howl of warning echoed through the territory before several rouges emerged from the tree line lead by a clean wolf. The rouges themselves were dirty but the one leading them was not a rouge. I looked at Summer and then two all the pups in the garden who were near Chaz and Beth along with my father and mother so I could trust them to protect our pups too. "Who are you and what is your business here" Darius boomed his alpha voice causing hesitation in the rouges. The leading wolf shifted uncaring of his nudity. "I am here because I think your pack has too many pups and I'm here to kill a few" The man spoke sadistically he was deranged his eyes holding one emotion of pure hatred.

Ellie stepped forward her fists by her sides as she drew the mans attention Darius moved closer to the pups. "You Mr Yuto, you are under arrest for serial murder of pups throughout several packs" Ellie spoke snapping her fingers. I watched in amazement as several officers descended from the surrounding trees with their gear and weapons all on display. "I will not surrender so easily woman, I need to rid the world of the abominations that killed my mate" Cackled the man as a burst of hollow laughter came from his throat. "Aim and shoot at will" Ellie called over to her squad and then all hell broke loose. I grabbed Summers hand and led her towards the pups to help protect the. When we got their other pack wolves had made a circle around the thirteen young pups. I pushed Summer into the circle before shifting into my wolf form. I sat on my haunches watching the battle as Darius and the warriors, as well as the police team, tried to subdue the intruders. The man Mr Yuto had been tranquilised by a small handgun that Ellie was carrying before the fighting with the rouges started. 

I lept to my feet when a rouge came to close and subdued him with ease. If the police are involved it is best not to kill and only render the attackers unconscious. It helps with there cases if the assailants are still alive. After all of the threats were subdued with a few fatalities. I kept watch over Summer, Tessa and the pups after the rest of the pack helped with moving the unconscious bodies of the intruders. I only left my post of defence when I saw Ellie and one of her officers remove this Mr Yuto fellow. "Thank you for the support Ellie" Darius spoke as he approached her and her captive. "Your welcome, but this is my job and I wasn't going to let this bastard kill any more pups" She responded a growl reverberating through her chest. "Did you know he was coming to our pack next" Darius demanded no doubt the stress of the situation getting to him. "No this was a hunch he has been to several packs and this one and the one next to it were the next targets in the pattern so we reinforced both territories just in case" Ellie explained and I was surprised with how well she seemed to be telling this when there was an angry alpha right next to her.

I watched the exchanged nervously as Darius stared hard at our younger sister before a smile broke out onto his face and I released a breath I didn't know I was holding. I then turned my attention back to my mate and pups hoping this was our last fight until the pups were born. And what a horrible event to occur on the pups sixth birthday I hope it didn't traumatise them. Summer was in her wolf form next to me in the next second licking under my jaw in comfort showing our pups the danger had passed. And it didn't take long after that for the rest of the pups to go back to playing as well. 

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