Chapter 8

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Summers POV
I awoke to the sound of crying a then of hushing noises as if someone was trying to shush a baby. Instantly I went on alert and scanned the room for my pups I tried to wiggle my way out of the grip that was holding me but it squeezed me tighter. When my eyes landed on Beth calming one of the wailing pups I calm tremendously and sank back into my comfortable resting place that was more comfortable as I noticed Liz in her big black wolf form with a white patch on her coat. As I returned to my original position only to feel unwanted shocks from where I was lying against Liz.

Liz didn't seem to feel the shocks and snuggled closer to me I was comforted by her presence though without understanding. I was ready to get up so I tugged at one of Liz's ears until she woke and looked at me and her wolfs eyes widened as she looked between us. She then got up and shook out her fur before moving away from me and an involuntary whine left my lips. "Liz, what's going on?" I asked in the mind link and watched as Liz shuddered. "Your my mate Summer" Replied Liz which only made me more confused. Liz then trotted away and I missed her presence so I got up to follow her only to be stopped by Beth. "Summer can you shift you still need to get used to your human body," said Beth so I shifted and she helped me put on my clothes just before Liz came back and at the sight of her my heart leapt for joy at the sight of her.

"Liz I'm confused" I Spoke to which Liz sighed and nodded towards beth. "Mates are the other half of your soul the one your fated to be with for the rest of your life. Mates complete one another once they find each other it's as though the stars align and everything is perfect" said Beth. "R-really," I asked sceptically looking over to Liz only to feel my heart speed up as our gazes met. "Yes, Summer it's true the only reason we didn't notice sooner was that your wolf was hiding it to protect you" spoke Liz as she walked over and enveloped me in a soothing hug.

"W-what h-happens now," I asked just as Artemis started to cry prompting her sister and brothers to Follow suit. "we take it a day at a time, for now, we continue looking after our pups" replied Liz which had a shiver crawling up my spine. "We need to tell the Alpha of this and I'm sure the pack will be thrilled" Spoke Beth but the mere mention of the word alpha almost had me going into a panic attack but with Liz's arms around me I found my centre. "Are you alright?" asked Liz as she led me to the wailing pups and I nodded my head. I was surprised that I hadn't gone into full panic mode do mates have the power to stop panic attacks I was more confused than ever.

The rest of the day was spent looking after the pups and learning more about mates and what was expected. Learning that a mating ceremony was to take place for me and Liz after my old pack was taken down led to me read up on werewolf mating in the upstairs library in Liz's house. My mattress got put away later that day and I was to sleep on a proper bed with Liz and the pups in the spare room in their cribs. As I drifted off to sleep on Liz's comfortable bed that night my wolf tail curled around my human legs I herd Beth and Liz's mom leaves for the night. And I felt Liz gently press her lips to my forehead And I felt so safe and content at that moment that sleep came easily.

Liz's POV
She looked so adorable sleeping in my bed like that. She was cuddled up to my pillow her wolf ears finally resting peacefully on her head instead of pinned back in submission. I stopped admiring my cute mate when I heard someone let themself in. I went downstairs and was greeted by my brother Darius sitting on my living room couch. "I hear congratulations are in order" spoke Darius as he got himself comfortable. "I suppose so. Her wolf wouldn't give in until this morning and finally felt safe enough to reveal that she was my mate" I replied smiling ear to ear. "Can I see her, my wolf has been whining at me to see her since yesterday?" asked Darius whilst wringing his hands in a nervous manner. "Yes but please don't wake her up she had a busy day looking after the pups" I spoke to which my big brother smiled and followed me upstairs to peer into my bedroom. Just her scent alone would calm any wolf and I knew this because as my brother inhaled his shoulders sagged with relief.

"You're lucky, you know that cherish her and those pups speaking of I need to check on them too," said Darius and I led him to the room the pups were staying as left my bedroom door slightly ajar in case Summer woke up. Stepping into the pups room I noticed that Ares was awake but not crying so I went over to him and picked him up handing him to Darius. "Who's a good little man" Darius spoke in such a high pitched baby voice I had to hold back my laugh but Ares didn't hold in his giggle. Soon after Ares fell asleep again and we left their door ajar as we went back downstairs.  "So was there a reason for your visit other than to see Summer and the pups," I asked.

"Yes actually, the other alphas will be here tomorrow and I know summer isn't comfortable around me. But when the other alphas get here they will all want to see her" replied Darius nervously. "Well, this is what we'll do, have them visit one at a time suppressing their auras with me in the same room. I managed to stop her from having a panic attack today I could do it again" I spoke confidentiality. "I hope your right, now I'll get out of your hair so go get some rest we have a long day tomorrow" spoke Darius standing up and giving me a hug before leaving. After he left I climbed up to the bed and climbed under the covers smiling to myself as Summer cuddled up to me. I fell asleep after that in a dream-filled sleep about the future.

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