Chapter 19

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Summer's POV 

It has been two weeks since I gave birth for the second time and My friend Tessa had her first litter. We both had twins and we were naming them all today. It took myself and Liz a week and a half to decide the names of our pups. Many disagreements later we had them all ready for our little family naming ceremony. "Hey sweety come on we are ready aren't we," Liz asked as she grabbed my hand and lead me into our living room where the other pups were waiting along with Tessa, Darius and Liz's parents.

"well dear, let us get this show on the road" Spoke Elaine while she sipped on her cup of tea delicately. "yeah mom just give us a minute while we prepare ourselves mentally," Liz said exasperated. We then walked over to our pups who were sound asleep in the crib in the middle of the room. When we reached the crib every one in the room became quiet. I picked up our female twin and Liz picked up our male twin. "We have decided to name our female pup Hestia" I presented and the name settled into her skin. "And our male pup we are naming Hephaestus" Liz finished and his name settled onto his skin as well. 

"Those are fine names," Frank, Liz father admired as he nodded his approval. "Well then son it is yours and Tessa's turn what are your lovely boy's names," Elaine demanded as she finally pups her cup of tea down. It was time for Darius and Tessa to take the limelight in this naming party. They each took a son and stood in the middle of the room where myself and Liz were moments prior. "Well then we are naming our older son Michelangelo," Darius said presenting the baby he was holding. "And we are naming our younger son Mika" Tessa finished showing off the other baby. "What wonderous names congratulations two both sets of parents," Said a female voice from the door. When she stepped into the room it was Ellie. 

"How are you all, I have the finished case report on Mr Yuto. And I thought I would give you the information seeing how you got attacked and all" explained Ellie as she sat down on a chair and picked up one of the snacks we had prepared. "Thank you, but before we catch up I want all the details you have" Darius replied after he put down Michelangelo. "Where to start" Ellie began. "How about at the beginning" Prompted Liz. "Okay, So it turns out Tamaki Yuto a Japanese werewolf moved here with his mate who was American. They lived in one of the eastern packs until his mate died during childbirth both her and the baby did not make it. After which he went on a violent rampage throughout the pack killing several of his own friends' pups. The alphas then exiled him and gave word to us about what he had done. Now you are probably wondering why they didn't arrest him, we were too and it turns out they still somewhat sympathised with him. The exile was the final straw and then he went from pack to pack killing pups and we finally caught up with him when he got here due to a private operation. Anyhow he is now being charged multiple life sentences as killing him would give him an easy way out. So we're going to torture him every day he is in our care for the crime of taking away innocent life" recounted Ellie without taking a breath. 

"Oh, that went dark fast" Tessa mumbled before coughing to cover up that she had said something. Everyone in the room went deathly silent before a chorus of relieved laughter filled the room. It was good to know that he was finally getting the punishment he deserved. After the conversation, the room settled into a more polite version of the conversation. I smiled at the older pups in the room they were all destined for great things and I could wait to see them grow up and do great things. "What are you thinking about," Liz asked as she wrapped her arms around my waist, laying her head on my shoulder. "The many more years we have together, and how it will be to watch our family grow" I whispered as I leaned back into her embrace.

"Your the best thing that happened to me. did you know that my love" Liz husked into my ear."I am forever your's Liz, I love you with all my heart" I expressed and turned my head to look into her eyes. I stared into her eyes which reflected warmth and love, We inched closer to each other until our lips met in a soft kiss of passion and love. The tender emotions bringing tears to my eyes as I had once thought I would never have this. As long as Liz is by my side I can handle anything that life throws at me. 

Liz's POV

I had my love in my arms and was surrounded by family and the pack. The day I found Summer I didn't think she would affect my life so much in the few short years I have known her. I hope she will continue to be the guiding light of my life. I can't wait to see how our family grows and changes over the next few years. 

Tessa's POV

I can't believe I got mated to an alpha. When I left my old pack and wandered into another packs land I thought I was a goner, but it turns out they just wanted to help me. After all, they helped me to find my mate and I now have my very own family. It is strange to think one of my sons will become alpha when I myself am just an omega. But I look towards the future with open arms and an open heart. 

Darius's POV

My family and pack were growing. I had my beautiful mate and I had my heirs. The future is looking bright. No doubt we will face many more challenges but that is just life in a wolf pack all we can do is try to prepare for any eventuality. No one can say for certain what the future holds but we can pave the way with our own two hands or paws. 

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