Chapter 12

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Darius POV

I tensed when that man stepped out of his cover, his face looked exactly like the man who had killed my brother. Horrible memories surfaced as the face of his father and that of his own morphed into one with the evil smirk they had so much in common. A pit of dread fear and rage all settled themselves into the pit of my stomach. I and Kenneth and Salem then joined Elijah and Ethan in their human forms. I shifted back to my own human form coming to stand next to Elijah and Ethan whilst Kenneth and Salem stayed a little away in their wolf forms teeth bared in aggression.

"Well, what do I owe the pleasure of a visit from the state alphas" The man spoke with malice clear in his eyes as he looked over to the two women and their party of youngsters. "We have come to check the state of this pack as several instances have alerted us to the malpractice within this pack" Ethan replied as his seen my inner struggle of pain and anger. "oh why whatever do you mean" The rouge alpha replied. "We need to take a look at the pack and the other members" continued Elijah as he stood in front of his newfound mate knowing the cruelty of this man as the culprit behind Summers nightmares. "I don't see why you would need to do that when I as there alpha can tell you all you need to know" The Rouge Alpha spoke and I had to hold back from scoffing.

"We would still like to check things out for our selves" I spoke calmly trying to keep the anger and malice out of my voice. "I'm afraid we can't let you do that," said the rouge alpha as ten more wolves appeared from the shrubs but I wasn't worried Liz and our warriors hadn't been detected yet. "and why would that be," I asked nearly growling as my fangs began to elongate. "We both know why Darius oh how is your father in his old age and what a shame you couldn't save your only brother, I heard you had a sister though I bet she's a fine piece of meat I bet her mate wouldn't mind me taking her as mine" laughed out the rouge alpha his manic laugher only fuelling my rage but before I could act upon it Liz in her black wolf form with a white patch on her chest emerged from the tree line her snarls of dominate rage had his warriors cowering away from her as she approached with purpose. She stopped at my side waiting for the order to attack her control over her instincts truly remarkable.

"who's this is he your bodyguard" sneered the rouge alpha his eyes trying to make sense of Liz's scent. "No she is my sister and you just insulted her and her mate just be happy she has more control than a male alpha" I replied back smirking when his warriors stepped back as Liz let another furious growl rumble through her chest. "I see too bad to see you all die" The rouge alpha snarled. "Before we do this are these all of your loyal followers," Asked Ethan he was getting bored of this conversation. "I don't see how that has anything to do with this as you will all die you are outnumbered and you can't fight us and defend the young ones at the same time," the rouge leader said before he shifted into his deep brown wolf and he and his warriors split in two directions half going for the pups and the other charging straight towards us. I shifted into my wolf form as Elijah and Ethan did the same.

Liz charged straight towards the rouge alpha rolling under him when he jumped towards her she then grabbed his tail between her jaws and pulled him back. I could tell Liz had the upper hand but I signalled to our warriors before jumping into the fight. I snapped my jaws in the rouge alphas face when he tried to get a bite out of Liz's front left paw. An action which caused him to turn and snarl at me completely disregarding Liz who took the opportunity to wrap her jaws on one of his back legs and a snap was heard as he crumbled on one side. There were only him and two of his warriors left now. He was still fighting but the two remaining warriors had surrendered after their brethren was swiftly disposed of.

I jumped on the rouge alphas back grabbing him with my teeth on the back of his neck I applied pressure and even when he whimpered I would not relent. The rouge alpha tried to shake me off before rolling on his back but I would not let go until he was dead. Liz bit into the flesh on the underside of his neck and together we held the despicable werewolf in front of us. He died struggling and when all movement ceased he was no more. I let out a howl of victory as which was followed by the other alphas and our warriors. I then lead everyone to the middle of the territory and the scene that greeted us was deplorable. Half beaten and skinny pups, the adults not much better.

Liz shifted back first grabbing some clothing from a nearby tree before approaching the terrified pack. "The rouge alpha is dead he no longer has any control over you, however, you will all need to be rehabilitated as his reign has left you scarred. Today is a good day as it leads to the victory over evil but the battle still remains as we struggle to get a comprehension of the crimes that were committed here" My sister spoke with such conviction everyone listened. We moved around cautiously wary of startling any of the pack members. We then set off again towards Ethan and Elijah's pack, from there we were going to split the pack into four parts and spread them through all four of our packs. The two warriors who were surrendered will be staying with alpha Salem and I nearly feel sorry for him as the demon alpha loves his captures. No doubt we would be getting all the information we needed. The blue bones pack territory is being given to a start-up pack by the name crystal healing a pack full of healers and scholars I just hoped our two omegas were okay with their old pack members we were bringing home with us. 

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