Chapter 15

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Liz's POV

I watched over my mate as she danced through our home with a duster in her hand her hips sashaying cutely. I had just returned home from dropping the pups off at school. The pups are now five and settling into school nicely. I quietly put my keys down on the table before stalking over to Summer wrapping my hands around her waist and pulling her into my chest. "Welcome home Liz" Summer whispered as she turned in my arms and placed a chaste kiss on my lips with a quiet whimper. When she pulled away I pulled her closer with a growl and gave her a deep kiss our tounges battling for dominance which I won with little effort.

Before we could get any further though a knock was heard at the door at which Summer pouted before removing herself from my arms and going to answer the door. I followed behind her with a grumble of my own, at being interrupted but put on my best smile when she opened the door. "Tessa, Alpha Darius its is a pleasure to see you" I spoke from behind Summer who then welcomed them both with a warm hug. I couldn't be more proud of her she had improved leaps and bounds since she was first rescued. "It is a pleasure to see you as well sister may we be invited in," asked Darius. A request which had Summer moving to one side as they walked into our home. I entered into the living room after I had prepared some refreshments to find that Darius and Tessa had made themselves at home and were in a heated Discussion with Summer about our pups. 

"So Darius what do we owe the unexpected pleasure of seeing you so early this morning," I asked trying not to sound irritated. "We have some news that Tessa insisted be shared with you and Summer first before the rest of the pack" Darius replied somewhat nervously at which my irritation was forgotten and replaced with nervous concern. "well Tess what is it," Summer asked placing a cautious hand on her friends knee and looking Tessa directly in the eyes. "We are expecting our first litter" Tessa finally spoke after a minute of crushing silence. Tears sprang into Summers's eyes as she rose from her seat and hugged her best friend in a death grip. I walked over to Darius who's face held a goofy smile as his eyes shone with nothing but love and pure happiness. I patted his shoulder good-naturedly to which he stood up and pulled me into a bone-crushing brotherly hug. "Hey, Tessa you know that since we are all sharing the good news, I might as well tell everyone that I am also expecting" Summer whispered but we all heard it. We are after all werewolves. "Sweety did I hear that correctly," I asked as I struggled out of Darius' death grip and made my way over to her. 

"You did indeed the doctor told me this morning cause I called him when you were dropping off the pups at school cause I wasn't feeling well I was planning to tell you before we were interrupted" Summer explained and I took her into my arms before placing a scorching kiss onto her mouth pouring into her every ounce of my love and admiration. "Congratulations Liz" Darius all but shouted so we would pull apart. "And to you both as well, I think we should keep the announcements separate so the Alpha couple can tell the pack they are expecting an heir," I said as it was customary to hold announcements in our pack and if two announcements are at the same time one of the pairs of parents gets ignored in favour of the other. It was only fair they got to have the first announcement as their future pup or pups would be taking over the pack someday. "Thank you, sister, right a meeting will be held later today and we will announce the news to the rest of the pack" Stated Darius as Tessa crawled back into his lap and nuzzled her face into his chest. 

"That sounds good" I replied only to be interrupted by another knock on the door. "Are you expecting anyone else today Liz?" Darius asked. "No, we weren't even expecting the two of you" I answered honestly before going to open the door. "Hi, honey how are you" My mother all but rushed out before racing into the living room. "Hi to you too mom" I responded before welcoming in my father who smiled apologetically towards me before following my mother into the house. I followed behind him after closing the front door daring anyone else to knock at the door.

"Well, Liz, how have you been dear I heard from some of the warriors that you are on the top of your game," Said my mom Elaine and I smiled at the proud smile that was displayed on her face. "Since we are all here anyway how about we have a family brunch to have a sit-down chat and catch up," Spoke Summer as she grabbed Tessa's hand and dragged her into the kitchen no doubt to make small snacks and sandwiches. "So Darius I heard another pack wanted to start an alliance because they are few in number," Said, my Father Frank. "I am organising a trip to see the pack before I make up my mind on whether an alliance is a good idea" Replied Darius sipping from a glass of juice that was brought in with some other drinks by Tessa who smiled at her mate before going back into the kitchen. "That's a good plan son, Now is there anything else you need to tell us," asked our mother. I nodded towards Darius he had to tell our parents before the announcement anyway as was the custom. "Yes there is Mom, Dad I have some news, you are going to be grandparents again" Darius spat out the words in a hurry. "That's wonderful dear finally the alpha couple will receive an heir" Exclaimed our father in pure joy whilst our mother cried silent tears. 

After that revelation, we announced Darius and Tessa's status of expecting later that day after we welcomed the pups home from school. Everyone seemed excited about the alpha's heir. The following week we announced Summers pregnancy and the pack was in high spirits about two pregnancies. The pups sixth birthday is coming up and with it, they will have their future ranks decided, I hope all goes well but we will love them no matter what.

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