Chapter 5

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Summers POV
I have been here a few days and I have been given something comfortable to sleep on and meals I do not have to work for. I have been given permission to shift, yet I have not yet had the courage to do so because I do not remember how to shift back, I have also yet to name my pups but I would like to my wolf keeps on telling me to name them after the Greek gods but I do not know who they are or were. I was pulled out of my thoughts by the sound Liz's footsteps coming down the stairs of the house I am in. I learned her name and that this is her house the first day I got here and from then she has been nothing but kind to me. "Good morning Summer what do you think of bacon for breakfast," asked Liz as she reached the bottom of the stairs wearing a V neck top, three-quarter jeans, ankle socks and trainers. Her hair was tied back. I stood up stretching and yawning as I did so, I then hopped off the mattress then walked up to Liz rubbing my cheeks on her legs as a show of affection to which she purred.

"Oh summer I've been completely stress-free and calm since you've been here and I love it," said Liz as she mindlessly prepared the bacon while humming as I sat with my pups licking them clean. Once the bacon was done she pulled out two chairs on the table and I jumped up on one and she sat on the other. We ate our breakfast in a comfortable silence the taste of bacon on my tongue was nice and a change to raw meat. Once the meal was finished Liz washed the plates up before sitting back at the table with me. "So Summer do you want to shift today," Liz asked. "I don't know how to shift back" I replied through the mind link to her, this was our method of communication for the past four days. "I want you to picture yourself as a human and let that thought consume your whole body," Liz said as she kept eye contact with me. "I'll try" I replied.

I focused on the image of me as a nine-year-old girl and then aged my features. I felt a twinge of something and latched onto it and jumped off the chair I was sitting in and whined in pain as my body shook with convulsions of pain as bones broke and muscles contracted and my teeth shrank and my claws retracted. Once I shifted I discovered I had kept my wolf's tail and ears. "Oh summer you look absolutely freaking adorable Liz shrieked before stroking my wolf ears which made me purr which made Liz purr. "Can you take me over to my pups please I am not sure how to walk in this form?" I asked through the mind link. At my request, Liz nodded and picked up my small human form easily and placed me down on the mattress next to my five squirming pups. I curled my tail around my small pups and hummed. "Once you touch your pups in your human form they will shift into theirs and giving them their names is a bonding ritual between parents and their offspring," said Liz as she kept running her fingertips over my ears. "Should I do that now?" I asked tilting my head to the side.

"Sure why not. what do you want to name them?" replied Liz as she kept running her fingers over my ears. "My wolf is telling me to name them after Greek gods, but I don't know what their names are" I whined slightly at the thought that I could not think of names for my own pups. "I can tell you, for the boys they could be Ares, Zeus, Apollo or Atlas and the girls could be called Aphrodite, Athena and Artemis," Liz said to which myself and my wolf picked out the five names we agreed on.

"So how do I complete this ritual," I asked with a confused whimper unsure as to what I'm supposed to do. "You run your hand along the pups head to tail and say their names out loud" replied Liz. "I don't know if I can talk aloud" I whined at the loss of the bond I couldn't give my pups. "Try" was all Liz said so I moistened my lips and forced a breath of air out of my mouth before settling my hand on my eldest son "...Z...z...z...Zeus" I struggled to say as I ran my hands through his fur. And I watched as his fur slowly receded to reveal a small baby with black hair and ocean blue eyes. After he'd transformed Liz put him in a nappy and put his clothes on and wrapped him in a blanket. The pack had donated all of this as a sign of welcome and as I understand it my pups are now the youngest in the pack. Next, I focused on my second son resting my hand atop his head. "A...A...Ares" I said watching another of my pups transform this pups human form had rich dark brown hair and striking green eyes. I turned my attention back to my other pups as Liz tended to Ares. "A...Apollo" I said running my hand over my third son and then watching him shift with his dark brown hair and emerald green eyes. "Athena," I said as I ran my hand over my firstborn pup and watching her take her human form with fiery red hair and blazing blue eyes. I then turned my attention to my last pup still in wolf form she was the third pup born her brothers born in between her. "Artemis," I said finally watching in shock as she has the same fiery red hair like her sister and those piercing blue eyes of theirs. I slumped on my back as I realised my pups were now much like human baby's.

"Well done I'm so proud of you," said Liz as she moved all five of my pups to the cribs that have been set up for them because around three weeks is the time pups and mothers are bonded enough to have the pups transform. "T...thank" I replied tiredly with the amount of energy I had to produce just for a naming ritual. "Those are beautiful names I know this ritual takes a lot of energy if there is only one parent so why don't you rest," Liz asked and as she finished her sentence I fell onto my mattress before drifting off to sleep waiting for the nightmares to claim me but until then I will be able to sleep in a black void of nothingness.

Liz's POV
I'm so happy with Summers progress with me these past few days, her omega scent plus the nesting scent of her pups is heavily coating my home which is why there is currently at least twenty wolves at a time outside my home at a time wanting to greet our new arrivals. They have greeted them but when Summer is asleep as to not scare her the scents of them are permeating the pack making all the wolves here calm and protective because of Summer and her pups.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by a knock on my front door I put the last pup in her crib and got up to answer the door. When I opened the door it revealed my brother Darius. "Are you just gonna stair or can I come in I'd like to know Summers condition" Darius said in a teasing tone. "Sure but you'll be in for a surprise" I laughed and led him inside toward where Summer and her pups were resting. "She shifted" Darius whisper shouted at me as he went to approach Summer but stopped himself as she whined in her sleep as her wolf projected another memory through the mind link. It was a calm day but a little cloudy but otherwise fine. Summer was in a small cage in a dark basement as the door opened to reveal a dirty looking man with angry bloodshot eyes, oily black hair and a short stocky build and worn clothing which showed bulging muscles. The scene then changes to were Summer in a cadge was in the back of a car sliding around as it jotted one direction and then another so the cadge banged against the side of the boot. The last thing the memory showed was Summer being handed to the despicable man from the dogfighting kennels.

"Her wolf has been projecting Summers memory's for the past few days and I'm not sure what's causing it," I said to my brother with worry for the small omega lacing my words. "It's because her wolf knows she's safe but the human side of Summer feels threatened because of her past so her wolf is showing us what she endured so we can understand her better" Darius replied and over the last few days I've noticed whenever she hears someone outside she reverts back to that submissive position she was in when she released she was in a house and on a bed. "Would you like to hear the names Summer has chosen for her pups?" I asked Darius with the tilt of my head as he hadn't stopped smelling my home since I let him in. "Sure, and do you know that half the pack are walking around in a drugged state thanks to the scents coming from Summer and her pups" Darius explained as he walked over to where Summers pups were resting as humans in their cribs.

"Well this one is Zeus," I said pointing to the male baby who had black hair to which Darius nodded and looked over the small boy. "This one is Ares," I said motioning to the second male baby who has rich dark brown hair, Darius nodded again. "This pup is called Apollo," I said motioning to the final male pup who has dark brown hair. "And the eldest female pup is called Athena and the younger female is called Artemis" I spoke motioning the two female pups with their blazing tufts of red hair. "Those are beautiful names I'll be sure to inform the pack," Darius said with one last inhale before waving me goodbye and telling me there will be a pack meeting in four days that every pack member must attend including Summer and her pups.

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