Chapter 6

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Summers POV
It's been four days since I've taken my human form and named my pups so they could take theirs, Liz has been the greatest of help these past few days while I got used to my human body, and putting the pups on formula because I couldn't supply enough milk for the five of them on a human diet. Liz has only allowed me female visitors on my request apart from the packs back up doctor so he can check up on mine and my pups progress as of their weight. So far I've met Liz's mother, her sister and Liz's friend Beth.

So far I've been good meeting new pack members but I'm not sure how I'll react to a room full of pack member Liz said there were around 22 members of the pack along with 3 pups so far excluding myself and my pups. "Are you ready to go?" Liz asked as she finished putting my pups in a maternity blanket each. Liz had Zeus and Apollo attached to her in their blankets, Beth had Ares and Athena attached to her and they gave me Artemis in her blanket for me to carry.

I was assured that all of the pack would be in the meeting hall so we wouldn't encounter any pack members on the way there and I was to come onto the stage next to the alpha to be introduced to the pack properly as only a handful of people had seen me. "Come on Summer it's time to go, you can hold my had if it's easier," said Liz as Beth finished putting clothes and shoes on me and tying Artemis around me. I nodded and walked slowly over to Liz and took her hand as she opened the door. When she opened the door I was hit with several distinct scents and then an overwhelming pack scent. I've heard wolves pacing around the house that Liz has been kind enough to let me stay in but I was told it was the nesting scent of my pups plus my omega scent which was making the pack wolves gravitate towards Liz's home.

Liz gave my hand a final squeeze as she stepped out of the door with me behind her and then Beth behind me. My pups have just been fed so it should've another three hours before they need another feeding session. The meeting hall was only a five-minute walk away from Liz's house to the east but giving my only recent walking experience my feet were beginning to tire. "Hey don't worry Summer there's seating in the meeting hall," said Beth behind me and my tail gave a short wag as an indication I had heard what she had said. My thoughts then drifted onto the pack members as we reached the meeting hall I wondered what they were like I'm still not sure how things worked in this pack. In my old, I got fed once a week if that and I got used as a tool in order to train the packs' pups and new teenage wolves. I had also overhead the alpha say that that the pack was getting too large and he planned to do something about it although I'm still not sure he said to kill the pups or kill the elderly or both.

I was unaware my thoughts had been transferred through the mind link until Liz and Beth looked at me with worried eyes followed by a roar of rage which would have triggered my shift if I didn't have Artemis attached to me, my ears however folded down onto my head and my tail automatically curled around me and my head hung low and neck exposed as a sign of submission. "It's okay no one's angry at you no one in there will hurt you I promise," said Liz whilst we were standing outside the building made of bricks that had double doors made out of wood the colour was mahogany. "P-promise" I all but whined back and my tail loosed around me a little but was still woven around myself. "I promise and if anyone tries to hurt you I will defend you myself however the alpha will let no harm come to you," Said Liz strongly as she opened the door. Once the door was opened all eyes turned to our small group. The inside of the meeting hall was decorated with maps of the surrounding lands as well as paintings of wolves. There was also a stage with a podium where the alpha was standing behind a microphone the rest of the pack were seated in order around the room on the sides as there was a big table in the middle of the room with another map on.

"We should take our seats," Beth said as she led us to the three empty seats in the room and position my pups so they were being held so all the pack could see them. "Well I shall begin the meeting," said the alpha his voice booming around the room which made me wince at first but both Liz and Beth squeeze my hands and took care not to jostle my pups. "I have called this meeting to introduce our new pack members who joined us eight days ago. The meeting is also to discuss the pack which one of our new pack members came from" The alpha spoke strongly and I winced at each word out of his mouth expecting him to be hostile towards me at any moment like my old alpha. First, let me welcome our first new pack member her name is Summer, Summer please rise" said the alpha and so I stood trying to stay steady on my feet whilst looking at Artemis's sleeping face to try and calm my nerves. "As you can see and or smell Summer here is an omega," said the alpha and I prepare myself for the harsh words that were sure to come or a blow from anyone in the room. Instead, I was met with silence and I slowly looked up and let my eyes roam around the room landing on each pack member. When I looked at their eyes there was no hatred or disgust there was only awe, admiration and kindness and a softer emotion I could not place. The silence was then broken by howls of joy even the existing pack pups seemed to be taken with me.

"Alright everyone settles down for the next piece of news and Summer you may be seated," said the alpha and the pack calmed and I took my seat in between Liz and Beth. I looked over at Liz and she gave a reassuring smile just before the alpha began to speak again. "Summer has also brought with her, her five four week old pups," said the
alpha he was going to speak again but was again interrupted with cheers of joy. "Yes, yes I know we haven't had newborn pups in a few years but you would like to know their names would you not," said the alpha and not soon after the meeting hall quieted as the pack waited in anticipation of the names of my pups. "I have been told their names but I would like their mother to tell you all their names, so can Summer, Liz and Beth come up to the stage with the five pups, please. I whined at the thought of being so close to the alpha when the sound left my mouth the alpha stepped off the stage and stood as far away from me as he could in the meeting room. Liz and Beth then led me on to the stage being extremely careful not to move my pups around too much. Once we managed to manoeuvre ourselves onto stage Liz ushered me next to the microphone. "My pups names are Zeus, Ares, Apollo, Athena and Artemis" I spoke nervously stuttering every so often. The alpha then came up onto the stage and I started panicking. "S-some o-o-one get Artemis," I said putting her down and allowing my shift before bolting to the door scratching at it as memory started creeping into my mind.

"Well, well, well look who just turned thirteen" The alpha sneered looking at my shaking form today your punishments get worse. "No alpha she's still just a child said a woman in the background and I recognised the women it was Anna the women who'd sometimes tend my wounds and clean me. "Fine then you will serve in her place but she will watch beta," said the alpha and the beta grabbed Anna and began tearing at her clothes and then did something I did not understand but it was hurting Anna and I was crying out her name but I couldn't form words like a wolf so was forced to watch her be tortured and I was beaten after she was finally rendered unconscious. The memory faded and the door had been opened for me and I made a beeline for Liz's house trusting her to follow me with my pups. Liz had left the door slightly ajar in case I shifted as she suspected I would. When I was in the relative safety of Liz's home I howled out my heart, I howled after the parents I had never known, I howled for my pups and I howled for myself before whimpering and collapsing on my mattress letting the darkness consume me.

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