Christmas Special #7

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You thought I forgot about Jungkook-ie?! Psh. He's my bias (wrecker) of course I would remember him

Winter Dance —

Half past 6 on a cold December evening.

You were standing alone outside of the venue, thinking whether or not you should still go. tonight was your school's Winter dance, it's not like nobody asked you out, in fact, tons of boys asked you out, but you being you, you turned them all down. You just wanted that one specific person to ask you out again.

Jimin, Your ex boyfriend. You have been dating since 7th grade and ever since then, you've been inseparable. Well, not until he found a new girlfriend. Ever since Jimin started dating Eunbi, your school's queenka, he has been completely ignoring you, and that alone broke your heart into millions of pieces.

The spotlight soon runs against the red carpet and the party's finally starting, people were finally coming in. You see Jimin from the far end of the road holding onto his girlfriend. He was getting closer and closer and he then passes by you as if you were non-existent.

At that very moment, you were forcing yourself to back out, luckily, your long-time bestfriend Jungkook decided to show up.

"Hey, babe. What are you doing out here? Shouldn't you be inside?"

He asks and gives you a quick hug. The two of you decided to call each other "babe" just because the two if you were very very close and you treated each other like husband and wife or something in that area.

"N-nothing much. I just don't feel like it."

You shiver and Jungkook sighs.

"He's in there isn't he?"

You nod. Jungkook knew all your feelings towards Jimin and that made it easy for him to think of a possible plan to make you walk inside.

"What if I pretend to be your date? So you'd feel less akward perhaps?"

He offers. You were a bit hesitant, but ending up agreeing anyway.

He holds your hand in his and pulls you towards the entrance.

"You ready?"

He asks and rubs the back of your hand with his thumb


You respond breathing deeply.

You both enter and the spotlight is now on you. Everybody stops what they're doing and stares at the both of you.

"Babe they're staring."

You whisper, He then wraps his arms around your shoulder and gives you a quick kiss on the cheek.

"That's because you're so beautiful."

He says and you feel a light blush.

The two of you just danced the whole night away. Jungkook did his very best to keep your thoughts away from Jimin and he succeeded.

"And now here's for our lovers, let's dance"

The dj announces and the fast beat turns into a slow jam.

Your eyes immediately flicker to Jimin, but Jungkook pulls you away.

"May I have this dance, m'lady"

Jungkook asks and bows jokingly.

You giggle and nod

"You may"

Jungkook sweeps you off your feet. One step two step you were soon getting used to it. You were lost in Jungkook's eyes. Step by step, swing by swing, you find yourself falling for your bestfriend again.

You had been inlove with Jungkook for almost all your life. You weren't sure if what you felt was true. So you shrugged everything off by dating other guys including Jimin, but every guy seemed to be a disaster.

"You're so beautiful"

Jungkook whispered and brushed the hair off of your face.

You smile and blush.

The night goes colder and longer, the two of you just stare at each other losing yourself in that moment.

"Hey Babe"

He calls and you snap out. You hum as a response.

"I uh.. i really wanted to tell you something though"

"What is it, Kook?"

He inhales and pulls you closer to him, you wrap your hand tighter around his neck and so does he around your waist.

"This may sound crazy but uhm I love you. I have always had and ever since the day I tripped over your blocks in kindergarten and all that i don't know i just—"

You cut him off with a sweet kiss. He pulls you closer and hugs your figure dearly.

"I love you too, Jungkook. So much, for so long."

You say and he smiles.

The night sooner end and he brings you home.

The two of you did nothing but smiling and oogling at each other.



You both blurt out. Laughs were exchanged after.

"You go first."

He says and you smile.

"I'd love to uh do this again sometime?"

You akwardly say.

"The winter ball? We have that every year."

He jokingly says and you hit his arm playfully

"What I mean is, I want to see you again. Not like our usual everyday hang though."

You say and sway side to side.

"Ooooh like a date"

He teases.


"Yes of course. You're my girlfriend now."

He says and catches you off guard.


You stutter and he panics.

"Do you not want to be my girlfriend?"

He asks a bit softly and you immediately wave your arms and say no

"No no no of course i want to be your girlfriend! It's a dream come true— an early christmas gift perhaps."

You explain and he chuckles.

"You're the best and most adorable early Christmas gift i've ever received y'know?"

He says and you give him a fake cringey look.

"Stop being cheesy nose boy. And get home."

You say and he nods.

"Yeah i need to get going. We still have that date tomorrow right?"


You smile at one another one last time and he walks away.

Before he could even get pass your gate you run towards him and twist him towards you landing your lips on his. His eyes grow wide but gets used to it by the second.

"Goodnight, Jungkook I love you"

You whisper and shy away.

He gives you another peck and responds

"Goodnight beautiful, i love you too."

1007 words. That's new. HAHA Heey I hope you guys enjoy this not-so christmas Jungkook imagine. I am really out of ideas so i am so sorry if this is again a bit crappy.

Anyways, thank you for the love and support for this Christnas special!

I love you all so so much!

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