A dream or reality? A Peculiar letter from the Queen

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Chapter 3:

-Veronica's Dream

From my spectator's point of view, I could distinguish a gloomy Ciel, Alois and Claude. Turning my head, I saw Sebastian's forlorn form. His crimson eyes always full of mystery were reflecting melancholy, he looked heartbroken, as if he lost something that was so important he couldn't imagine his life without. I was surprised; demons could feel emotions, just like humans? From the miserable atmosphere and the lugubrious clothing and decorations, I  deducted those people were assisting a funeral. Strangely, the deceased people I knew and cherished were in the crowd of poor, mourning souls; my parents and my old childhood friend; Egaeus. He vanished after a car crash, and I never saw him in my dreams, unlike my parents, so it was quite a pleasant surprise. Everyone's faces were depressed, women's loud laments were heard as well as children's soft sobs and men trying to hide their tears. There was so many people! Someone important must have died...The coffin was open, and as everyone walked over to the corpse to say their farewell, I recognized very familiar facial features, and then, I let out a choked scream: that face belonged to me. They were my features, but my face was surprisingly pale. It was my face. Veronica's. Nikki's. 

-No...I heard someone whisper.

-It isn't Veronica's. It isn't Nikki's. It's Berenice's...continued the mysterious voice.

Its statement made my brain freeze.

-Time will come, and you will finally remember...


~Back to 3rd person POV~

Veronica woke up in cold sweat that night, trembling like a leaf about to leave it's tree after a violent fall's wind. Cold chills were running down her back.


-No! yelled out Veronica.

-Lady Veronica, calm down, said Sebastian in a soothing, sweet voice.

-You were yelling out "Berenice" and then let out a scream.

-Yeah, it must've been a nightmare. Either ways, what are you doing here, Sebastian?

-Alois, Ciel, Claude and I came to check if everything is alright. explained the red-eyed demon.

-Your face is so pale, you look like a corpse! said Alois, probably, trying to alleviate the tense atmosphere.

Veronica gulped, letting the two Earls and their demon butlers understand that she feels uncomfortable having such a chaos in her room.

-Pardon us, Lady Veronica, apologized Claude, going away with his master.

Ciel looked disturbed seeing Veronica in her nightgown, so he mumbled an inaudible "Sorry" and excused himself as well. Sebastian stared at the blue-grey eyed girl, and his eyes flashed in magenta tones again.

-Are you certain you are feeling alright? whispered Sebastian, leaning closer to Veronica's ear. You look like you had a terrible nightmare, he added.

-No, no. I'm fine, Veronica insisted.

The red-eyed demon backed away, wished her a "Goodnight, Lady Veronica", and disappeared into the shadows of the hallways.

Somehow, the chocolate-haired teenager managed to calm her convulsions. The droplets of sweat disappeared and her heart-beat went back to normal. Veronica forced herself to go back to sleep.

Sun rays gently tickled Veronica's nose, causing her to wake up. At first, she couldn't understand where was she, but her memories found their way back to her head pretty fast. Feeling slightly dizzy, Veronica right away checked the door; it was still locked. 

A dream or reality? A Black Butler FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now