A dream or reality? Phonecalls

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Chapter 14:

Veronica woke up sore, feeling her muscles itch in pain from yesterday's beating. She slowly opened her eyes, to find herself lying on her living room's couch. It took her quite a while to remember what happened the day before and how did she end up on the couch in the first place, for her head was killing her. She hastily stood up and went over to the mirror. When she saw her reflection, she let out a chocked scream and slowly backed away form the object; she did not recognize herself at all.

Almost all her of her hair has turned of an almost white, and her eyes had barely visible black swirls inserted in her blue-gray orbs. Her lips were of a sweet, pastel pink and seemed larger. Her skin was paler then ever and her freckles were almost like black dots on her face. She looked inhuman. Startled because of her own appearance, Veronica stood there for a few minutes staring at her reflection. She then carefully checked upstairs to verify if Aunt Priscilla has come back, but she hasn't. 

She then slowly peeked in the mirror to make sure she didn't hallucinate earlier. Her eyes widened in shock; she looked exactly like the day before, only she had a black eye and a few scratches and bruises. She closed her eyes and bit her lip.

Was she going mad? 

Recalling yesterday's events, she checked her fridge; and it was empty. Quickly thinking, she moved her glance onto the clock, which read 7:38 a.m. School starts at 8:10 a.m. and it takes her around thirty minutes to get to the establishment, so she better hurry up. Hastily she reached her brush, gave her hair a few, quick strokes, tamed her long hair into two neat braids, grabbed her school bag and rushed to her doorstep. But as the chocolate-haired girl was about to leave her apartment, she stopped, as an insane idea came into her; what if today, she would skip school? Avoid the mocking comments, the beatings, the insults, and just feel free, roam around her house, and do whatever she would want? 

Veronica catapulted her  school bag to the opposite end of the room, and stood in her place. Suddenly, she broke down in uncontrollable laughter, just how good it felt to be the boss and do whatever you want; without Aunt Priscilla in the house, she was free to be the commander. 

So the young girl decided to grasp such an opportunity and stay home, think about her situation right now, and contemplate which decision would be better for her. She plopped down on the couch and decided for he plan of action; she wouldn't go to school today, that's decided, but what will she do? Lie around the house all day long? Go shopping? What if Aunt Priscilla came back? 

The moment the girl started to think about her aunt, and the consequences she would get if she would come back home, the phone made a ringing sound. The unexpected sound startled her at first, but after looking at the calling number, she realized it was aunt Priscilla's boss. Veronica picked up the phone, and heard the same gentle voice as yesterday;

-Veronica, honey, is that you again?


-Is Priscilla sick again?


-And you didn't call us because...? Surely you couldn't forget us a second time.

-Oh...Aunt Priscilla was getting better, and we thought she would go to work today, but at the last moment, her condition got drastically worse. In fact, I was about to call you, ma'am, smoothly lied Veronica. She didn't like to tell lies usually, because her mom constantly repeated her lies will never lead you anywhere, and you will always have to tell more lies to cover up the previous one, so she tried to avoid this type of situation, but Veronica just couldn't tell her that Aunt Priscilla hasn't been home for two days now. For some unknown reason, she thought it was better to hide this, for now at least. 

Suddenly, the person at the other end of the line dropped the phone, since the teenager heard an incomprehensible sound, and heavy breathing a few seconds later.

-Ma'am? Ma'am, is everything fine? What's wrong?


It wasn't the sweet lady's voice anymore...no it was someone with a crazy anticipation, as if the person at the other end of the phone had some insane news for Veronica.

-Veronica, didn't your mommy always tell you that lying is bad? Didn't my pathetic, miserable idiot of a sister keep telling you that lying is bad? 

It was Aunt Priscilla.

-A-aunt P-p-

-Missed me? 


-Yes, your mother often told you lying is bad while she herself was nothing more than a dirty-

Veronica felt her hand tremble, and she dropped the phone as her voice cracked an inaudible "Enough. I've heard enough."

Veronica stood in the middle of the room, refusing to make a move, her eyes blazing with sorrow and fear. Then, she decided to try and ignore this phonecall , and live on her day. Why did Aunt Priscilla have to always ruin everything for her? What made this despicable woman hate Veronica so much, and why did it bring such joy to Priscilla to hurt her? Why in the first place did she take her in, if she did nothing but torment Veronica? 

But the teenager had no wish try and process, or figure out any of these questions now. She slowly headed over to the fridge, a violent wave of hunger hitting her. Slowly, memories from yesterday started to flow in; Sebastian was there. He prepared her dinner, treated her wounds and then she drifted off to sleep. How did he even end up here? She also met Kase. So many years have passed since their last meeting., and so many things have changed...

But despite Sebastian's delicious meal Veronica ate yesterday, her stomach craved a nourishing breakfast, waffles with maple syrup and bacon to be precise. She nonchalantly headed over to Aunt Priscilla's cabinet, grabbing a decent amount money. Since now she didn't have to rush anywhere, she changed her dirty outfit into a light, summer dress with black and white stripes, and put on a large beach hat, and redid her braids, now inserting in the, some pastel pink ribbons. She put on her black, school flats, and headed outside, feeling better than ever. The gentle sunrays tickled her nose as she confidently marched to the supermarket, a big, and sincere smile plastered on her face. 

She was feeling an emotion she hasn't experienced since she came back from the black butler dimension; happiness. Indeed, she was at peace, feeling happy, and just enjoying life. She felt free, for there were no bullies, no teachers and no despicable aunts that could come and ruin her wonderful mood. Absolutely nothing could bring Veronica down, right now at least.

Or so she thought.

Taking her time at the supermarket, Veronica bought everything she needed, enough for her to properly eat for the next few days. With slight struggle she carried her heavy bags home. She, again, did not hurry. 

As she walked into the dark alley she passed in yesterday, she felt as if someone was observing her. However, Veronica brushed off the unpleasant feeling, convincing herself she was being paranoid because of what happened yesterday. True, she was still a little weak from that incident; was limping a little bit, and could not carry anything in her left arm, but its not like she was on her deathbed.

Suddenly, a strong hit made Veronica drop her shopping bags, sending the young lady flying to the wall next to her. She attempted to stand up, but her body gave in, and she fell back o the ground. Since she hit her head on the brick wall her vision was very blurry, and she had a lot of difficulty trying to recognize the person standing in front of her. It was a dark silhouette, and Veronica couldn't tell was it a man or woman, she could only say the shape was of an average height, and is "it" approached her, she felt her head go heavy. She did her best to stay awake but as she felt her head fall to the ground, the only thing she could see was darkness. The last thing she heard before she lost consciousness was the laughter of a madman. She could understand was the laughter of a male or of a female.


A dream or reality? A Black Butler FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now