A dream or reality? Reunions and Realizations

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Chapter 16:

-Now, Sutcliff, don't forget what we are here for, called an emotionless voice. Out of the darkness walked out a man with a stoic face, bright green eyes and neatly arranged hair. He wore a clean suit a held a strange stick that seemed to have a metal duck's beak at one end.

-This woman's charade took away quite a lot of Berenice's time.

He then turned to face me.

-If I'm not wrong, that troublesome demon already explained you everything. Three days have passed and-

-My humble apologies for cutting you off, but you're mistaken.

The man raised one of his eyebrows, questioning what I just said.


-My name is Veronica, not Berenice, sir.

He seemed surprised.

-So he hasn't told you all...Either ways, three days have passed. Michealis has explained you the choice you must now make, correct?


-So what will be your choice?

Thinking about her life back home, Veronica wanted to carefully think this through, even if she already did many, many times, and was pretty sure that nothing will change the way she feels about this situation. 

Back, at home, she has no friends, no family, and no one will really care. Her aunt, the person she was staying with, turned out to be an insane, bloodthirsty demon that is currently out to kill her. Back in the Black Butler world, however, she has people that truly care about her, a lot of interesting stuff to discover and a case yet to solve. Really, what would she lose, ought she to never come back again?

-I-i...I chose to stay in the Black Butler World.

William seemed to be surprised, clearly not expecting this answer from her.

-Are you sure about your decision? You will never be able to return. You will never be able to see any friends of yours, or anyone that cares about you.

The teenager smiled, melancholy visible in her sad smile.

-Sir, I am certain about my decision. I have nothing to lose.

William stood without expressing anything for a moment, then frowned, as if thinking if he should let the young girl do as she wants.

Then again, rules are rules. And the rules state that this choice is entierly up to the person in question, which is Veronica in this case.

The strict Grim Reaper sighted and responded;

-Very well then. Goodbye, or perhaps, farewell, Berenice.

Veronica was about to remind him once again that she was "Veronica" and not "Berenice", but a beaming ligh blinded the chocolate-haired teenager. As she attempted to cover her blue-gray orbs, she felt inceredibly sleepy, and two silhouettes observed as a weak, limp body fell down with an almost inaudible "thud".


Veronica felt someone violently shake her. She slowly opened her eyes to see a shaken, worried, but happy icy blue orb stare at her. She felt two arms wrap around her shoulders as a usually poised, stoic voice called;

"You're alright...I was so worried about you."

Veronica denied, refused to beleive that this cold, unwelcoming young boy expressed such joy upon seeing her awake. Ciel wasn't acting anything like Ciel.

A dream or reality? A Black Butler FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now