A dream or reality? Afflictive memories and painful flashbacks

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Chapter 5:

Veronica sighed.

-Always remember who you are, Berenice. Those were her last words, Claude. Now, are you satisfied with your information?

As a response, Claude smiled evilly and continued his interrogation:

-Oh dear. That was only the beginning, there is quite a few things I need to ask you about-

Veronica felt the clench on her wrists loosen, and being pulled violently from her place. She wasn't facing her "savior", but was reassuringly held by her shoulders.

-Faustus, now that isn't how a proper butler should behave. Don't be rude to our guest, said a red-eyed demon with a triumphant sounding tone.

Claude gave Sebastian a cold glare filled with disgust and hatred, as he disappeared from Veronica's vision. 

Veronica was suddenly facing Sebastian's face, filled with irritation,  slight anger, and barely visible worry.

"Are you alright, Lady Veronica?", he asked with a worried voice.

Veronica gifted him with her angelic smile, and assured him that she is perfectly fine.

Sebastian glanced with suspicion at the red marks on Veronica's wrists, but let go.

-Young Master sent me to get you. We are heading out to the Buckingham Palace. Are you ready?

-Of course I am.

-Then, follow me.

The pair hastily arrived in front of the carriage. Sebastian, being the gallant butler he is, opened the door for Veronica, and helped her get seated in the carriage; it was surprisingly simple in Veronica's eyes, considering that the young Earl's mansion was so extravagantly decorated. The old-fashioned vehicle they were going to ride in had seats with a velvety texture, but of a despicable color; somewhat of a dark purple mixed with grey and a little touch of brown.  There was a large window, divised in the parts with some type of metal, and it let the afternoon sun rays peek in the carriage, somewhat lighting it up. Curtains of a cerulean blue could be pulled together if the passengers preferred riding in dark vehicles.

-Veronica? attempted to start a conversation Ciel, the moment their carriage took off.

-Yes, Earl Phantomhive?

-Thanks to all the proof you provided us with, we are now confident that you weren't lying. We believe you are from the future.

Geez, what great people skills, Ciel, thought Veronica, slightly offended by his comment, but then again, why would this thirteen year old boy, that lived through so much drama and pain trust a total stranger that randomly fell from the sky? Veronica quickly got lost in her thoughts and a vague memory invaded her brain; (heyimsam11, I''m borrowing your character for this part)

-Ren! Ren! shouted Kase running down the stairs.

-Why do you call me Ren, Miss Kase Rose Drakiler ? I'm Veronica!  Call me Ronie or something, "Ren" has nothing to do with my name!

As a response, Kase smirked and continued with her conversation

"Little does she know..."

-Lady Veronica, are you feeling alright? asked Sebastian, gently shaking the blue-grey eyed girl.

-You look pale, he continued, worried.

-Yes, Veronica are you...um...sick?

Well, at least he's talking, and he cares.

-Earl Phantomhive, Sebastian, I am perfectly fine. I was just daydreaming. 

A dream or reality? A Black Butler FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now