A dream or reality? Broken

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Chapter 11:

Veronica's POV:

As I slowly opened my eyes, I realized there was nothing but pure darkness surrounding me. It was quite, and I only heard the sound that makes a sink when you almost close it. It's as if somewhere down there was a pit of water and drops falling into it. I couldn't understand where was, and I could not feel any surface beneath me. It's as if I floating. Squeezing my eyes shut, I tried to recall any past events that have happened, but I couldn't remember a thing. Just me lying down on my bed to take a nap. Nothing else. 

Did anything even happen? 

But why did I lie down on the bed? And where was I when that happened? Under which circumstances?

I don't remember a thing. Nothing. 

And then I felt a sudden emptiness inside me, as a terribly scary thought wandered into my mind;

What if I was dead?

But really, what other possibilities are there? I was floating in a dark, quiet, confusing place. Did I...Did I die in my sleep? 

Suddenly, I felt my body go numb. The emptiness inside me grew, and I wasn't feeling anything anymore, nor mentally, nor physically, no thoughts came into my mind. 

I felt a rough shifting movement, as if a strong lifted up dazed self and decided to toy around with it. I just could not understand what was going on. And all of this happened without a sound.

The feeling of falling...

Bizarre. I had a strong feeling of deja vu.

Did anything like that happen before?

The darkness was slowly dissipating, my surroundings becoming of paler colors until the darkness got replaced by just white.

I turned my head.

Everything was white.

The feeling of falling stopped.

I was standing against my own will. I just wanted to lie down.

My eyes distinguished a shape.

A person?

No, a raven.

The raven flew up and started becoming bigger and bigger until the gloomy bird took the shape of a...creature?

A man.

No, it was not human.

But that face...It reminded me something.


Those ebony hair, those crimson, worried eyes, those fangs, that forlorn, tall shape. Those masculine and somewhat attractive features. I shut my eyes.

No, I couldn't remember anyone. His hand then approached me, and gently caressed my hair. I wanted to turn my head away from this stranger, but something stopped me. He then practically inaudibly whispered a word that had a huge impact on me.


And I awakened from my slumber. I remembered everything, everything that has happened over the past few days; the Black Butler Dimension, the Case, the Queen, Lizzy and her disappearance, Lau, Madame Red, Ciel and Sebastian.

-S-sebastian? Sebastian, where am I?

He smiled sadly,

-I suppose I should tell you...At least a part of it.

-Tell me what?

-We are right now in the center of two dimensions, more precisely in the middle of my world and the mortal realm. 


-Veronica...It happens very rarely, but sometimes, a human is born in the wrong place. It is a result of Shinigami's bad job. The person is born in the wrong place, and the wrong time and with memories, bonds and hidden knowledge of its previous life. I'm afraid I can't tell you anymore about it. But at one point in their lives, that person will be sent away into the dimension they really belong in. But that isn't right, and obviously will be contradicted by the head Grim Reapers. A vote will be held and they will decide whether or not the person shall be sent back. In this case, William clearly did a good job...he said, a dark aura forming itself around him.

-S-so...I-i will have to go back to my dimension?

-That will be up to you. In three days, we will come to get you. You have a choice, to either stay in your dimension, or come to my dimension. But there's one catch. If you decide to chose my to stay in what you mortals call "the Black Butler Dimension", you will stay here forever. You will never be able to go back, you will never be able to see anyone from your home realm. Is that really what you want? I wish I could stay longer, but time is limited. Farewell...

And then darkness came once again.

I felt a sharp pain in my body. I became dizzy. Everything started turning around. It became hard to breath. 

I started breathing through my mouth, my head spun even faster.

And everything stopped. It's like when after a big storm, everything becomes calm. 

A strong light blinded me, and when I opened my eyes, I saw a ceiling.

My ceiling.

My room's ceiling.

I abruptly lifted myself up from the bed. Everything was exactly like how I left it. My room was as clean as a few days ago. Not a little handful of dust. 

And then a twangy, obnoxious voice croaked;

-Dinner is ready!

It took my a moment to recognize that despicable voice. Aunt Priscilla. 

She actually made me food...For once. As I came downstairs, she greeted me;

-What an ugly skirt. You look like a prostitute in it. When you finish eating, you better change it. 

-Yes, Aunt Priscilla.

-It's your responsibility. I'm going out right now. 

-But it is pretty late...

-I'm the adult here, I decide. 

And she left.

Aunt Priscilla always have been like that.

I think she has been trying to break me ever since I came here.

I never heard an encouragement from her.

I never heard a kind word from her.

I never heard a compliment from her.

Not even advice.

She never helped me out.

Once, I came home bruised. I got beaten up at school pretty often. And what hurt the most was not the bruises, nor the cuts, but the fact everyone knew I got beaten up often, and even by who. But after all my friends mysteriously disappeared, no one helped out. I would sometimes get beat up in front of classmates, heck even teachers. And none did anything about it. No one told them to back off, to stop, no one helped me out. And everytime I came home bruised and tears, she didn't do anything. No encouraging words, no medicine, no band-aids.

And she would sometimes just start insulting me, saying I'm ugly, saying I'm worthless, saying I'm nothing. Numerous times,  she nearly broke me.

But the only reason I had to not give in was to prove everyone wrong. Was to prove I'm emotionally strong and capable of resisting tough blows.

But now that I was back, what was I going to become?

A dream or reality? A Black Butler FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now