A dream or reality? Epilogue

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Chapter 20:

Dear Veronica,

I would like to thank you for helping my beloved Guard Dog and Spider to solve this crime. It was difficult, and I am glad you found the culprit; Egaeus, whose family name is unknown, alongside a woman named Priscilla whose family name is also unknown. As you discovered, their goal was to lure you in. I am eternally glad you stayed alive, for you are a very bright girl with a great sense of deduction. You have proven to be a clever and quick-thinking person, so I would like to offer you a position as the Queen's Black Cat. I hope you make the right decision.

Awaiting your response,

Queen Victoria.

Veronica smiled as she folded the letter away and put it back into its envelope. It has been years since she received it, and she finally felt like she was getting a grasp of her life. For a while, Ciel housed her, but she recently, perhaps around a month ago, moved into her new villa. The money she received from the Queen with each uncovered case, as well as the sums she borrowed from Ciel and Alois certainly helped a lot too. It wasn't as grand as the Phantomhive Estate, but it certainly had its own charm. Veronica built it according to her vision. It was a lovely, three story house with a vast garden. Frankly, most of the money went into the creation and arrangement of the courtyard, but the young lady did not regret it. 

With the leftovers, she planned to launch her own clothing company, in partnership with Ciel. The boy certainly had some experience in that field. 

In those past years, Veronica managed to built quite a sturdy and good reputation. Of course, there were some people whom would look down on her because of her gender, but those who were in a truly desperate situation turned to her for help nonetheless.

Of course, her special abilities certainly helped with the cases, but not many knew about them. 

As for Sebastian, he was a toughful and caring lover, showering her with affection in his limited free time.

Indeed, Veronica's social life progressed very well. She made many friends, amongst humans as well. Unlike Ciel, she turned out to be quite the social butterfly, and was often seen at different balls and receptions. Many young man have made their advances, but were always rejected due to some mysterious circumstances. 

She visited Undertaker on a weekly basis. Turns out he made some pretty good cookies. Then again, everything was good with tea. 

And, surprisingly enough, Will became one of her closest friends, unlike Grell, whom never got over his jaleousy. He had a sort of brotherly yet phlegmatic relashionship with her, offering her great advice.

Life was good, and was about to get better. 

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