A dream or reality? Dress Shopping!

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Chapter 7:

Veronica tried her best to keep her grumpy face restrained. But it was of an extreme difficulty; if there was one thing she hated the most, it was shopping. Veronica considered it to be one of the greatest time losses ever invented by human beings: it was so easy to lose track of time and get lost in all those shops and boutiques. When the the teenager had to do a major shopping, she usually wasted the whole day in the mall looking for new outfits because her previous ones were way too small. What made shopping back in her dimension even more annoying is that the girl had very limited money, due to her aunt's extreme generosity, and all the she bought had to be approved by the maitre of the house. And aunt Priscilla had a conservative taste in clothes, which explains Veronica's wardrobe full of knee-length pleated skirts, plain calf-length dresses and more boyish shirts with a classic spread cutaway. She always felt a little spark of jealousy when observing other girl's tastes at school; miniskirts, jeans, shirts with their favorite anime or even small high heels. Veronica was glad that she could pick her own outfits now, in some sort; Lizzy kept imposing the dresses she preferred, but Veronica still got her way, fortunately; Elizabeth's dresses were too frilly, too pink, too girly or even too heavy!

 Lizzy insisted on buying numerous dresses, the only thing Veronica agreed on with her; she had to intentions of doing another shopping trip with this girl. If Sebastian's shopping lasted only a few minutes, Elizabeth's took around a day!

Every time the girls entered a boutique, Lizzy would get swallowed in all the cute dresses, hats and accessories. To be honest, this seemed more like a shopping trip for Lizzy than Veronica. They already spent an entire three hours in the stores when Veronica only had two dresses, and Elizabeth's goal was to buy at least eight of them. 

Another hour passed, and no dresses had been added to the chocolate-haired girl's wardrobe when Elizabeth suddenly realized the fact that she was wasting so much time on her shopping list, and decided to give Veronica all her consultations and recommendations.

-Veronica! Try on this one! You would look adorable!

-Lizzy, no, I would look more like a Christmas Tree in that one!

-A what?

-Never mind...

-Then what about this one? It would be perfect on you with those frilly orange bows and pink lace! Ooh! And this fushia bustle dress...


Two hours of torture later, Veronica finally could let her exhausted self fall on her bed. Lizzy didn't achieve her goal, they only bought five dresses, but she did manage to tire Veronica to an extreme point. That girl's dressing tastes were certainly peculiar, then again, aunt Priscilla's were too. Luckily, Veronica got to pick almost all the dresses she liked, much to Elizabeth's disappointment. 

The first dress they bought was an out of fashion crinoline dress. But Veronica liked it; the gown had a simple bright green berthe with a skirt of the same color and elbow-length sleeves ornated with black lace. It was rather simple for a ball gown, suitable for an everyday dress, by Lizzy's standards that is.

The second gown Veronica bough, after a long debate with Lizzy, was perhaps one of her favorites; it was of a gorgeous crimson color with a long extension at the bottom of the skirt and golden floral designs. It had circular flounce sleeves, just as her royal blue dress Sebastian picked out for her.

The third dress the duo bought is owned by Veronica solely because of Lizzy's jeremiads. The small blonde just couldn't stop complaining about Veronica's taste, which apparently lacked of "cuteness". The gown had layers of frilly fabric. To Veronica's discontent, it had a huge bow at the back, and was of a pastel pink shade. To be honest, Veronica secretly convinced herself she will only wear it when Lizzy comes around, since it was atrocious in Veronica's eyes. 

The fourth dress was of a deep shade of violet, with silver waves at the bottom of its sleeves and of the first skirt. A large black skirt cascaded onto the purple one, covering it almost entirely. Just like the green dress, to add to the silver waves, there was some black lace on the bottom of the sleeves.

The final dress the pair bought reminded Veronica of meringue pie; the top was made out of marble fabric and a yellow bow with matching lace at the bottom of the leg of mutton sleeves. The long pleaded skirt was of a pastel yellow and had had a white piece of fabric playing the role of a belt. She liked the dress as much as she liked the dessert itself. And meringue pie was one of her favorite sweets.

Much to her content, Veronica was now peacefully resting on her ginormous bed. Right after she and Lizzy came back, Ciel left in a hurry for "important business". The teenager was quite confused about this sudden trip but was too tired to argue the thirteen years old Earl and his butler, so she just left without a word to her room under Ciel's evil smile and Sebastian's worried look, leaving Lizzy downstairs with the three servants. 

Veronica was just glad that shopping trip was over. It was only her third day here, and so much has happened, so much has changed. The teenager already got herself tied up in a crime solving, met the famous Queen Victoria, went shopping and was going to assist a real Victorian Era ball! Veronica was never the social type, but the tough of going to a real ball, she had to admit, excited her quite a bit. 

In this new world, Veronica felt like she mattered, like she belonged.

This new world kept her entertained and Veronica had the impression it will be the case for the foreseeable future.

Veronica sunked into a light nap when she suddenly got awakened by a piercing scream.


Apologies for the cliffhanger, the short chapter and the wait. I have the impression chappie 8 will not be coming out very soon, but it will be. Eventually. Until then, I'm going to let you try and guess who's scream that was and why. Fell free to write down your thoughts or any suggestions. 


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