A dream or reality? Remembrance

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She rose up her head and closed her eyes, breathing in the fresh sent of pine trees. Slowly lifting up her eyelids, she revealed her blue and bright, like a cloudless sky orbs. Warm sunrays were tickling her face. It was quite and peaceful, only bird's crystal clear melodies were heard. It was very soothing to the soul. Suddenly, a slightly sarcastic voice broke the silence.


The woman turned around, making a childish grimace.

-Didn't I ask you to call me Ren, Michealis?

He devilishly smiled, as he got closer to her.

-I knew I would find you here.

Berenice's peaceful eyes suddenly reflected panic and worry.

-But how did you get past the guards? After one of them sensed your presence, the Great Angel has sent so many guards to survey the gate. You do know the rules...

-Yes, if a demon is caught here, he must die. And if he gets caught with an angel, the angel gets dishounored.

He frowned.

-I was very careful not to get caught. I wouldn't want you to get into trouble. And also, my apologies.

-For what, Michealis?

He smircked.

-Why, for interrupting your thoughts. You seemed to be thinking about something important.

-Oh stop with your sarcasm.
She turned her head so that she wouldn't face the demon anymore, and softly whispered:

-Yes, I was indeed thinking about so important, something very important in fact...

-And what might it be, if you don't mind me asking?

The angel turned back to face her lover;

-I was thinking about us. Michealis, what we are doing is very risky, we could both get killed if we are caught. I don't want you to get in trouble because of me...

Sebastian frowned, aproached Ren, and delicatly cupped her chin in his hands.

-Ren, all you need to know is that I love you. We'll get throught it, don't worry, perhaps one day they will change the law...

He didn't have time to finish, because Berenice pulled him into a tight hug.

-You perfectly know that's impossible...

Suddenly, a calliopean voice resounded :

-I knew there was something going on in this garden! I have sensed a demon's presence a long time ago but just didn't have any proof! Look, oh angels, look at what your sister has done! Contemplate the gravity of her actions. She has dishonored with those eyes filled with lust and those soft words you whisper in his eat! The devil has charmed you...And You put your selfish desires before us! The rules are loud and clear; no positive bond is allowed between angels and demons. How dare you disrespect your own kind...! Guards, take her away!

Under the shocked glared of her comrades, ashamed, Ren was taken away into the Tower of the Disgrace. She knew what gate was awaiting her, but she don't care; Michealis's was preoccupying her...

Her lover would be brought back to Hell, and his comrades would eradicate any memories, while she would get her wings cut off publically, disgraced, and reincarneted as a human, who would have no memory of what happened. And all the lives she would live would be ressembling; marked with loneliness, cruelty, despair. Her life would be a never ending cycle of misery. She would love her loved ones, and be a disappointment in every to human kind, until she was to meet Michaelis, and he would remember her, and she would remember him. But the system was too clever to ever let that happen.

And her torment would still continue if not a certain Grim Reaper...

William T. Spears, alias "Will" was slowly, carefully looking through his paperwork. He sighted.

"I have to stay late again because of that reckless Sutcliff."

Frustrated, he leaned back on his chair, when suddenly, a certain file attracted his attention. He grabbed it, and started scrutinizing it. The paper read "Véronique, family name unknown. age of death: 23, cause of death: murder"


Swiftly, he started the tape attached to the file.

On a clean blanket sat a beautiful, pale skinned toddler; she had soft, short blonde locks, baby blue eyes and rosy cheeks.

She raised her hands to a nicely dressed woman.

"Mama!" exclaimed the little girl and started laughing. But the woman ignored her, preoccupied with something.

Later, the child is shown playing in a cast garden with who seemed to be her older sister. They seemed very close.

Véronique and her older sister, Antoinette were now gorgenius young woman, attending a ball. A certain brunnette attracted Antoinette's attention. They danced all night while Véronique was standing alone.

After a few scenes of Antoinette and of that brunnette, whose name turned ou to be Constantin, pasionatly talking , and later, kissing, Constantin is seen getting married...To Véronique.

At their wedding, Antoinette tried to keep a poised look, but she is boiling with rage.

Later, Constantin and Véronique are seen lying on the floor underneath a pool of blood. Next to them, Antoinette is standing, holding a bloody knife.

William hummed, and took out a few other files. They all starred the same, or very ressembling woman, and each  met a very tragic end.

"So they want me to reincarnate that angel who fell in love with a demon..." guessed Will. He looked at the pile of files, thought about something, nodded at started working.

Someone made a mistake, and misplaced Berenice.

And thanks to that someone, the two lovers met again. And Berenice would finally be free...

A dream or reality? A Black Butler FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now