A dream or reality? Choices

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Chapter 15:

Veronica's POV:

I felt a sharp pain in my stomach, causing me to open my eyes. But even after I opened my eyes, the only thing welcoming me was darkness, and the unpleasant feeling of falling, which, thankfully, I was slowly getting used to. Soon, the stomachache left me, as I became numb. I continued to fall in this pit of nothingness, empty on the inside. I did not question myself on anything; why was I falling? Where was I falling? A strong sense of deja vu invaded me, but I sincerely did not care. I did mind if I was dead or alive, or what would I become. As I mentioned it before; I felt nothing but emptiness.

Suddenly, I felt a hand reach out to meet mine. Our hands interlaced, and I stopped falling. For some unknown reason, I was clinging on to that mysterious hand as if my life depended on it, feeling secure while holding it. Despite me not knowing the owner of it, I held onto it dearly. Suddenly, the grip pulled me upwards. I felt my heartbeat accelerate and a strange emotion invaded me; fear...? Why...Why was I afraid? I did not care...Right?

The hand briskly stopped. A maniacal laughter resonated as I felt myself being thrown against something; a chair was what I recognized. When I tried to stand up, I couldn't. It's as if my body refused to listen to me. I was paralyzed unable to do anything. The laughter slowly died, as I could distinguish a familiar figure draw itself in front of me.

I was blinded by a beaming light, and when gained back my sight, I saw her.

Gasping for air, I felt my eyes open wide; I could not believe this.





She was cheerful, and as beautiful as always. She gave me a soft, angelic smile, and reached her hand to caress my cheek. As I looked around I noticed we were in a field of daisies. The sky upon us was of a bright blue without a single cloud in sight. The gentle sunrays made mom look even prettier; her long, curly chocolate hair cascading on her hair were reflecting the sun's bright light, her bangs partially covering her right eye, her light, white summer dress sat on her perfectly, her kind, blue as a cloudless sky on a sunny day eyes mirrored peace. She gave off a serene aura, one that calmed me right away.


Suddenly, the kind woman's caring smile twisted itself into a scary, insane one. Her gentle eyes were filled with madness. Her pretty face was tainted with madness. I heard a sound of shattering glass as the woman before me changed into someone else.

It wasn't my mother in front of me anymore, it was, in fact, her polar opposite.


With a mocking voice, she called;

-Did you really mistake me for that dirt your mother was?

I felt her eyes widen and fill up with tears.

The clear sky hastily changed into nothing but darkness, the delicate daisies were replaced by crimson roses. Priscilla emitted another crooked smile, slowly approaching Veronica. The young girl badly wanted to stand up, and slap the despicable woman across the face, but something stopped; she could not stand up. Her muscles gave in and her body refused to listen to her.

Priscilla's smile metamorphosed into a serious look filled with slight melancholy.

-You know, as children, your mother and I were quite close and resembling, too. You know, your mother is my fraternal twin.

She made a regretful smirk.

-I still cannot believe I am related to such filth. Your precious mommy...She was always the favourite one. She was the pretty one, the kind one, the successful one, the caring one, the smart one, the loving one...Your grandparents always preferred her over me, and I could never understand why. I was always hidden in her shade. Perhaps was it because I was more quiet, cold, cruel? Although some sparks of jealousy sometimes kicked in, I was proud of her. Yes, I was sincerely proud to call this woman my younger twin.

A dream or reality? A Black Butler FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now