A dream or reality? Explanation

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Chapter 13:

A day earlier,

Sebastian's POV:

Young Master seemed quite tormented today. He was worried for Veronica, and, as much as I hate to agree with it, I was too. She was just such an interesting person, and gave off a mysterious aura that I never got from other humans. She is most definitely either a human being with special abilities, or some type of supernatural creature. Not a demon, I would've sensed that from the beginning. I just couldn't lay my finger on it, and that's what intrigued me. She always doned a smile or would pretend she is fine when she wasn't; The human's saying of "The eyes are the windows to your soul" is perfectly true. You can't make your eyes show an emotion you don't feel, as for they will always display us your true state. And that just makes me wonder; why? Why would she try to conceal the way she truly feels, or refuse to share her problems? From what I heard, she has not led the most easygoing life, but is that really what explains this secretive behavior? Was she betrayed by someone she loved? Was she abused in her so-called previous dimension? I feel so helpless; me, an ancient demon, not capable of piercing a mere human's secrets. Then again, perhaps, she was not human at all? Everytime I was around her, I got a strange, nostalgic vibe, as if I knew her before, and I feel...At peace. Strangely enough, when I'm around her, I sense this ambiance of, some sort of self-satisfaction...I really don't know.

The young lord also seemed not so tranquil about this situation; out of nowhere, Veronica just disappears! He seems to have forgotten about his fiancée completely. The servants are worried too; they have taken quite a liking to her figure. This morning, the young master ordered me to find Veronica and bring her back. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find her anywhere! I've searched everywhere around the mansion, and no signs of her.

Much to my discontent, I'm afraid I must turn to the Undertaker for help. I must say, however, he is the most sane Grim Reaper I have met so far, and I'm sure he will willingly help me. I got to his little shop quite fast. I knocked on the door, but got no response. I slowly opened it, revealing Undertaker standing turned backwards to me. I greeted him, but my, was I in for a surprise. With a loud squeal, the shape turned around, revealing Grell's sickening face. With the calliopean scream of "BASSY~", the Shinigami threw himself at me. I kicked him in the face, sending him flying to the opposite end of the shop. That's when I noticed the real Undertaker, sitting in a barrel filled with...Biscuits?

After changing into his respective outfit, the old Shinigami asked me;

-So what brings you here, Michaelis?

I gave him a concerned look and responded;

-Lady Veronica. Yesterday, she has disappeared.

Grell's bored and upset expression quickly transformed into a worried frown. His superior also had a troubled expression. The two exchanged anxious glances, as if deciding together whether am I worthy or not to know the following. Finally, the duo seemed to have agreed on something, since Undertaker proposed;

-Take a seat, Michaelis.

I was surprised with such a request, but still followed the order. 

-Michaelis, there is also another point you need to know; sometimes, when a Grim Reaper commits a mistake, which, is very rare, it results in an individual being born in the wrong Realm; somewhere they don't belong. Then, when time comes, they will be transported to where they were supposed to be, but obviously, since it is not something that's exactly supposed to happen, the lead Grim Reapers will have a meeting about whether or not the person will stay in the world they belong in. It must an unanimous vote for the person to stay, but in Veronica's case, only one person did not agree with her staying. Unfortunately, I cannot tell you who it is, but since it is only one person, they decided to make an exception; Veronica will be sent to her Realm for three days, and then will have the choice to either come back here, but without being able to go back, or, vice versa, meaning it is up to her.

A dream or reality? A Black Butler FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now