A dream or reality? Madness

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Chapter 18:

Veronica opened her eyes to a beaming light, a headache and a sharp pain in the wrists. She blinked a few times before realizing she wasn't at that human auction anymore.

Quickly enough, she remembered she was sold to a young man with a white mask and a tall woman with a crimson one. From her memory, Veronica could tell that the lady in the crimson mask seemed familiar. But it could've been her imagination.

Unfortunately, Veronica could not distinguish where she was, for her eyes were covered with a strap of tissue and a handkerchief was placed in her mouth. She felt she was sitting on a chair, her wrists attached with the same tight roped behind the chair. Her attempt to move her feet also failed, for her careful new "owner" attached her feet too.

The chocolate-haired teenager was very scared, but there was nothing she could do about this situation, so being the naturally calm person she was, she relaxed in her chair. She kept her calm, staying as cool as a cucumber, because really, what else could she do?

A strong, nauseous, unpleasant odour flowed around the room she was staying in, getting on Veronica's nerves. If there was one thing she bated the most, it was unpleasant odours and messy places. Veronica was always an organized person, and never allowed her small room to smell bad or to be dirty.

The teenager heard a door creak and someone entered the room she sat in. The strap of fabric was gently pulled away from her eyes as she faced the same woman with the crimson mask. Behind ber was standing a tall man with a white mask. They were the people who bought her.

The woman in front her slowly took off her mask to reveal a beautiful, but evil face. Veronica stared with horror at the magenta orbs she was used to seeing blue. They were reflecting insanity and bloodthirst.

-Missed me? asked the woman, a crazy, evil smile twisting her despicable face.

-I honestly did not expect you to be so stupid. I did not think you would somehow find yourself at that auction. I thought I would have to lure you out a little more. But looks like you found me yourself, dear, commented she, stroking Veronica's tangled, chocolate hair.

-You know, dear, at first I just wanted to kill you, but now...Ypu see, you were what my sister loved the most. And it wouldn't be exactly too fun to kill you right away, would it? I want to break down completely the person my sister valued the most. I want to break you to the point where I will be the only thing you'll have left, to the ppint where you will be begging me to finally finish you off, to the point you won't even know who you are, Berenice. Amd then, I will slowly and painfully devour your soul.

-Oh for the love of Mike, will anyone explain me why I'm always called Berenice?

Veronica managed to slip the handkerchief that was blocking her mouth off.

Priscilla's crazy smile grew even wider.

-Ah, you just snapped. This pushes your buttons, doesn't? she giggled.

-You see, your sister once confessed me; yoir biological father somehow contacted her, and tried to force her to name you Berenice. He somehow knew you were going to be a girl. Finding the name atrocious, your mother refused to name you this way. She did, however, give you a name that is derived from "Berenice". In fact, "Berenice" comes from the ancient greek name "Pherenike". With time, "Berenice" slowly got modified into Veronica.

The teenager frowned.

"But how did Sebastian find out about this?"

-So, Berenice, unfortunately, I can't really play around with you right now, I have important business to tend. But don't worry, we will get spend some quality aunt-niece time.

A dream or reality? A Black Butler FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now