A dream or reality? He who laughs last laughs longest

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Chapter 6:

After several hours, at last, they have arrived to the Buckingham Palace.

-Alright, Veronica, we have to hurry; we're already late.

-Only by a few minutes...

-The Queen asked us to be punctual.

-Alright, we're just losing time talking about this.

-You're...you're right. Let's go.

Aww, look at, you hating to admit I'm right, even in the smallest things, internally remarked Veronica.

As Sebastian helped Veronica out of the carriage, the Earl clinched his tongue in irritation. The trio hastily managed themselves into the Buckingham Palace; the guards knew of the Earl's visit.

-When your horse in on the brink of a precipice, it is too late to pull the reins, greeted Lau, as soon as the trio entered the Royal Dining room.

Veronica gulped.

-Lau? What the bloody hell are you doing here? responded Ciel.

-My dearest Guard Dog, I believe he would be useful to the solving of this crime, answered his question Queen Victoria.

-Lau, what is that supposed to mean? asked him Madam Red.

-It's a proverb from my country. I just pointed out that Earl Phantomhive was late.

Veronica scrutinized the room; at the table was sitting  The Queen, next to her was Ash, Lau, Madam Red with her loyal butler Grell, but Alois and Claude were missing.

"At least we aren't the only ones late."thought Veronica, relieved.

-Honored to meet you, Your Majesty, said the girl while doing a curtsy.

-The honor is mine, responded The Queen with a bright smile.

Noticing everyone's interested and puzzled faces, Veronica responded:

-I'm glad to meet you all, I'm Veronica.

They all sat down at the table, waiting for Alois and Claude. An awkward silence took place between the noble figures.

Minutes have past, and the duo finally arrived, under everyone's repressive looks. However, no one pointed out their tardiness like Lau did earlier with Ciel, the Queen just went on right away to business. 

-I think you're all aware of why I am turning to you for help; an insane is wrecking recently buried women's graves and pulls out their teeth, leaving the atrocious sight for everyone to see. It is not as serious as murder, but it is an insult to the poor women and their families, not speaking about how traumatizing it looks like. I trust you to capture the man alive and bring him for interrogation.

-I don't mean to be rude, but does it really require all of these people to solve this case? asked Veronica.

-That's the thing, sweetie. The women found so far had their eyes open...reveling purple orbs, and the white of the eye turned black. There is something...demonic about it. 

Veronica felt herself turn as pale as bed sheets. Deep down, she had a bad impression about this. And the dream she had is somehow connected to Lau's proverb. Is there a way for Lau to be involved? No, she's probably just being a paranoid. 

-I also asked you to come here to acknowledge each other, continued The Queen with further explanations.

-I have a feeling this will be a tough case, so I'm asking My Spider, My Guard Dog, My Guard Dog's aunt, and one of her acquaintances, Lau, to work on this together. That is all.

A dream or reality? A Black Butler FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now