A dream or reality? An attempt to impress Queen Victoria

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Chapter 4:

"Could there really be a connection between the insane man and my strange hallucinations?" contemplated Veronica.

"Nah, that's impossible" she concluded. 

But then, why would he do such a crime? And how many women had their teeth ripped out by that psychopath? When did he start doing that? Or maybe it's a she...

All of those questions were popping up inside Veronica's brain. The letter explaining the case was so vague and unclear...And most importantly, how the hell did the Queen know about Veronica's little time trip? That woman sure is a mystery...Or a stalker. Nonetheless, Sebastian was probably soon going to get her, and she would get to meet the Queen herself, but she'll have to impress her. 

"How in the world am I going to impress that woman?"

"I suppose by being myself...Pretending to be someone else is never a good idea." responded she to her own question. 

Veronica got so lost in her thoughts, she didn't notice Sebastian's knock on the door. 

-Lady Veronica...

The blue-grey eyed girl lifted her head up. Only now she noticed the demon in front of her.

-Lady Veronica, I would like to talk to you.

The teenager expected that, so she just bobbed her head and made place for Sebastian to sit next to her.  

He suddenly took Veronica by her shoulders and looked deep into her eyes with his crimson orbs, piercing such confusion, worry, and even slight fear. 

-Veronica, you clearly aren't a simple human.

-Are you talking about the eyes?

-Not only that, but I can sense that you aren't a fourteen-year old teenager. I can feel you are an old supernatural creature, maybe as old as me. 

-I-I-I don't know what to say...My eyes changed color since I was a little kid, more precisely since my mother's...death. After she perished, I discovered that my eyes could change color. And either ways, why in the world would you care? she responded, brushing his hands off her shoulders. 

His eyes flashed in the magenta tones yet again, but hastily went back to his usual deep red. A smirk formed on his lips.

-It's fine. I do understand you are quite shocked to be here. Don't worry, we'll figure it out, he added, as he was heading out of Veronica's room.

-And one more thing. I am impressed that you managed to beat Young Master in a game of chess. Even if he doesn't look like it, he is quite upset. Don't be surprised if he asks for a rematch, he complimented, going out of the room. 

Veronica chuckled.

"Aww...Looks like I found one's soft spot. Even if he makes himself look so mature and Mr-I-don't-care-about-anyone, looks like he does have a childish default; he doesn't like to get beaten in any game." she noticed.

Veronica stayed seated like that for quite a while; why, oh why did she allow herself to show that specialty to them? Why couldn't she control it? Now, she will get swallowed with everyone's questions. Veronica was very bored, so she decided to go on a little excursion; she had the opportunity to explore a Victorian-Era country mansion! In the early afternoon, the hallways appeared less frightening then last evening, even if nothing changed; the walls were of a golden-yellow color with parts framed by mahogany, a crimson carpet covered the floor and there were portraits every there and here, no lights penetrated the hallways. 

Veronica has been wandering for around an hour,  when she heard a voice very resembling to Sebastian's, but it somehow felt as the red-eyed demon wasn't the owner of it; but a certain golden-eyed butler was.

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