A dream or reality? The Ball

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Chapter 17:

-We need to talk.

Sebastian frowned.

-I wanted to say the same thing to you, there is a lot of answers I would like to hear, as well as my young master.

Veronica sighted.

-But please, don't cut me offf and listen carefully.

-Of course.

-Sebastian, as you know, after my parent's death, I lived with my aunt. I won't go into detail but I can't say she was very nice. And while I was "gone" I discovered something important about her.

The butler rose his brow and gave her a questionning look.

-What I mean by "gone" is when William and Grell came to acknowledge my decision about in which dimension I'll stay in. Before they came, I remember walking down an alleyway, and a being hit. I can recall that I then passed out and when I woke up, I was falling in a void. Suddenly, I felt some light blind me, and when I opened my eyes again, m-my...Mom was standing before me. Or so I thought. It was actually aunt Priscilla playing with my mind. Aunt Priscilla is my mother's fraternal twin, and she was very angry that I have mistook her for her sister. She then explained me that due to circumstances, my nother got pregnant with me while going out woth her future husband, but he was not my biological father. Basically, I was an unwanted child, and I don't know who my real father is. But that's not the point. Turned my aunt is actually a demon, and jaleous of my mother, as well as convinced it was all her sister's fault her life has gone downhill, she killed her as well as my mother. I unserstood later on she was, and still is on killing me too, but she wanted to do it slowly and make sure I suffered before she did so. Either ways, as a very young child, I had a very good friend. My only friend, in fact. She decided to put some type of magic spell on him to make him her puppet so she could kill me throught him, thus not staining her hands. She is well alive right now as well as her puppet. I suspect her and her puppet, Egaeus is his name, are out in this dimension and planning on killing me by luring me out throught the case and Lizzy's kidnapping.

Sebastian slowly nodded, understanding the situation.

Veronica looked him right in the eyes and asked:

-Do you...Do you beleive me?

The demon narrowed his crimson eyes and asked:

-Of course I do. What you're saying is perfectly making sense.

-No, I mean...What if I just went crazy and hallucinated all this?

Sebastian chuckled and ran his fingers throught Veronica's soft, chocolate curls.

-Already the fact you're asking yourself if you're crazy makes you sane, said he, reassuringly.

Veronica looked at him, wide-eyed, startled by the gentle look in his eyes. Demons aren't supposed to have feelings...Right? Why was he trying to comfort her? Did he really care?

-I think we can use today's ball as a way to pull out the thread. Let's just pretend Lizzy got sick, while carefully trying to get information about my aunt and Egaeus.

-Of course.

He then looked her straight in the eyes.

-And actually, I am quite admiring such toughness. You lost so much people you loved, in this mere week, you uncovered so many harsh truths, dealt with many painful memories and still manage to smile and pretend like you're alright.

He gently grabbed her chin.

"You know, it's alright to need help sometimes..." whispered he in her ear, his hot breath tickling her neck.

A dream or reality? A Black Butler FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now