A dream or reality? Not So Dear Claude

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Chapter 9:

Since Veronica didn't quite know where Lizzy's room was located, she just blindly ran through the hallways and checked every room she passed. The short teenager desperately kept screaming Lizzy's name, over and over again, until she felt two cold hands grab her by the shoulders, and not in a friendly manner like Sebastian did. Those hands clenched her shoulders firmly, hurting Nikki in some manner.


-What? almost chocked Veronica as she turned her head to the person behind her.

She glared with hatred at Claude's amused expression.

-So you don't remember...he said thoughtfully.

-Remember what? Why is everyone being so secretive? asked Veronica impatiently.

Claude smirked, annoying Veronica to the highest level. Just seeing his face now disturbed her.

-Now, why are you running? Did something happen? he asked.

-None of your business.

-Oh, you will speak, said he in a low voice, now scaring Veronica.

She hated when people did that. She preferred to get yelled at than someone speaking to her in a low voice. It sent chills down her spine. Seeing Veronica's eyes tainted with fear, clearly amused, Claude smirked and hissed:

-Now, what happened? asked he, his eyes turning magenta. Claude was clearly getting impatient.
Even if she would've wanted to say something, Veronica couldn't, because a big ball seemed to block her vocal chords.
-I s-said it's n-none of your business, C-claude, answered she, attempting to sound intimidating just like the golden eyed demon did earlier, but only managing to stutter her sentence.
-You look worried, tell me why.
A strong feeling of déjà vu suddenly invaded Veronica. It's as if she lived this scene a long time ago.
Switching his smirk into a disappointed expression, Claude added:
-Looks like you'll have to remember, soon or later...
And with that, he disappeared into the shadows of the hallway.
For a moment, Veronica stood there, processing what has just happened. Brushing it off, she was about to continue her quest of finding Lizzy, when she bumped into a certain tall figure. Looking up, she saw two red orbs staring at her.

-We do not run in the hallways, reminded Sebastian.
Veronica inaudibly mumbled an apology, and was about to continue her run when she felt a violent headache. Afterwards, as her vision became unclear, she heard Sebastian's voice yell out something, and she fell down, Veronica felt two strong arms catch her.
-Alright children, in honor of Father's Day, we will be making cards for the occasion so that today you could take them and give them to your dads! cheerfully announced Miss Pumpernickel, Veronica's first grade teacher.
All the children happily cheered and all started their creations. Every child was happy...Every child except for Veronica. The seven years old blankly looked at the crafting supplies in front of her, as she reluctantly picked up the scissors and slowly started cutting the paper in a heart shape.
Around an hour later, everyone was done with their Fathers Day cards. Miss Pumpernickel went around, contemplating the children's masterpieces, when her eyes stopped on Veronica's.
-Miss Veronica! What is this?
-This is a card...
-But it is a Mother's Day card! This is absolutely unacceptable! Your dad would've been ashamed because of your misbehaving. In fact, I'm going to call him right now and tell him you have been misbehaving. And stop crying, young lady. This is all your fault.
Tears flooding her eyes, Veronica said:
-Please tell me what he'll say to you...I wonder...
-Pardon me? How dare you speak to me like that-
-I wonder...I wonder if he'll hear you from Heavens. I certainly hope so. I miss him so much.
~End of flashback~
Abruptly awaking, the first thing Veronica saw were Sebastian's eyes, blazing with worry and fear.
-Lady Veronica, are you-
-I am perfectly fine, Sebastian. Please put me down.
-But Lady Veronica, you are crying.
Suddenly realizing there were tears sliding down her red cheeks,  Veronica's ears turned crimson, embarrassed from this leak of her emotions. Quickly wiping her tears away, she asked Sebastian to put her down, and he did as she said.
-Lady Veronica, you seem to be in a hurry? Why so?
Smiling uneasily, she explained:
-Well, you see...Just promise you won't kill Bard, nor Mey-Rin, nor Finny.
Sebastian smirked.
-So I see you met these poor idiots already. Don't worry, I will not harm them. Are they the source of your fear, Lady Veronica? asked he with his calm, poised voice.
-Not exactly, but I guess I have to start from the beginning. When we came back from Queen Victoria, I went straight to my room, not really paying attention to where Lizzy went.You left almost immediately, and a few minutes later, I heard a scream. Alarmed, I rushed downstairs to find that Bard exploded the kitchen. The three servants were all very scared and nervous because their dinner was ruined. They explained to me there will be company coming over in two hours and that they didn't quite know what to cook with the remains. And so, I used my amazing cooking skills to create the masterpiece you ate. When the dinner was over, and it ran quite smoothly I'd say, I told Mey-Rin there was nothing to yell about. She looked at me with surprise and said she didn't yell. At first I thought I went insane but then I remembered Lizzy. Now I'm searching for her room, and the fact I don't know its location doesn't help. It might be too late thought. I mean, if something serious happened to her. I don't want to be this dark, but I doubt anyone would kill her: she might be Ciel's fiancée, but she has nothing to do with his job. Plus, if anyone did anything to her, I think it would be kidnapping so that then they could demand money in exchange for her, finished Veronica with worry.
-Great deducting skills, Lady Veronica, heard she a cold, emotionless voice say. Turning around, Veronica saw Ciel, Alois and his loyal butler Claude, clearly the one who made that comment.
Ciel's face stayed monotone, not expressing fear, or confusion, even after Veronica explained the situation. In fact, the short teenager had an impression she detected boredom in the Earl's eyes.
"Shouldn't he be sick worried, doing everything he is capable of doing to find his dear fiancée?" internally asked Veronica. 

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