A dream or reality? School and Life

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Chapter 12:

Veronica slowly poked with her fork, not without suspicion, the jelly-like substance resting at the bottom of her bowl. Aunt Priscilla claimed she made Veronica some soup, but somehow, Veronica wasn't too sure about that. It looked more like a cat's wet food in which someone added non-cooked rice, and it definitely tasted like that too. Pushing the plate away, Veronica wrinkled her nose, since it also didn't exactly smell like roses.

"Note to self; go to the Grocery Store after school. All of them might be closed now."

Aunt Priscilla very rarely fed Veronica, but you can't say the chocolate haired girl was too upset over it.

Speaking of aunt Priscilla, Veronica was extremely interested in where could her aunt go to at such an hour;It was around 9 p.m.

Not finding anything to eat in the kitchen, Veronica read a little bit and decided to go to bed, she didn't have much else to do either ways.

And she did have to go to school tomorrow.

Another day of facing the cruel and heartless kids at her school.



Being an early bird, Veronica easily woke up without even needing her alarm clock. She slowly opened her eyes and glanced over at the clock; it read 6;58 a.m.

Not bad, considering school starts at around 8:10 a.m. and it takes Veronica about thirty minutes to walk there. She hastily got out of bed, brushed her teeth, washed her face, put on some jeans, a striped shirt and a sophisticated-looking blazer. Quickly grabbing her school bag, she took one last look in the mirror. Veronica carefully contemplated her sickening paleness, which also made her look like a vampire, her blue-grey eyes, her thin, chocolate hair she tamed in two neat braids, her very light freckles and her thick eyebrows. She looked as simple as usual; no make up, no fancy hats, no extravagant accessories, no jewelry, nothing a particular or a well-know brand.

As she ran over her appearance the mirror, Veronica couldn't help but notice her hair seemed slightly paler, especially the roots...It's as if someone bleached it. It wasn't too noticeable, but up close, it looked like Veronica had paler streaks and roots in her hair. Her skin was paler then usual, the freckles were more visible and her eyes looked much darker than usual. Veronica proceeded to ignore it.

She brushed off some imaginary dust off her shoulders, and donned her angelic smile. Not much noticed so, but mostly, when she smiled, it wasn't because she was genuinely happy, but simply so no one would ask about her problems. Veronica was used to overcome challenges alone.

Veronica grabbed the money she estimated she would need for food, and was about to head out when something stopped her;

The phone rang.

She turned around and without looking at who was the caller, she answered.

-Hello, is this Miss Priscilla?

Puzzled, Veronica stuttered,

-U-um...No, it's her niece, Veronica...

-Well hello, Veronica, is your aunt home? She hasn't showed up to work and it's unlike her.

Veronica was surprised by this herself, she just assumed her aunt would head off to work in the morning and come back this evening but it seemed that wasn't the case.

Pretending she didn't her what her interlocutor asked, Veronica hastily went upstairs and checked aunt Priscilla's room.

It was empty.

A dream or reality? A Black Butler FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now