A dream or reality? Looking for Lizzy

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Chapter 10:


-Lady Veronica?

-What's wrong? You look worried. I was right, wasn't I, Lizzy was kidnapped?

-Indeed, Lady Veronica, you were right. But I have found something else, lying on Lady Elizabeth's bed. Read it.

He handed Veronica a crumbled paper. The teenager barely managed to comprehend the practically unreadable writing:

Lady Elizabeth Midford isn't who I'm looking for, but she did seem to become quite close to the one I am seeking. Oh Berenice, don't you remember me? Don't you remember how we fooled around in the garden near the lake? Or perhaps have you forgotten the warm evenings on your balcony? Whatever it is, you will remember me, and who you are, dear, dear, Berenice.

After reading the note, Veronica shivered.

-Lady Veronica, I think this note is clearly written by someone who lacks of mental stability. Also, I think this is a major piece of the puzzle.
Veronica frowned, unsure of what to answer to this. As hard as she tried, she couldn't remember anyone, in her entire life, she only had two friends: (heyimsam11 character) Kase, and Egaeus. Both of them have mysteriously disappeared, Egaeus being her first friend, and who vanished after a car accident. Kase, however, was probably still alive.

Veronica shivered at the thought of her old friends she's been deprived of for so many years. Either ways, what happened to them? Well, Egaeus, honestly, Veronica had to stop denying he was probably...gone. And Kase? Hopefully, everything was alright.  Then again, Kase was unpredictable, she may have just decided to lock herself in her mansion and not go out! That sounded so much like her. Who knows...

-Lady Veronica, not to insult you, but you seem to space out a lot. I understand you might be lost in your thoughts, but what about I accompany you to your room? I know I told it before, but you must be quite tired. Especially the Young Lord and I will be visiting...Well visiting not exactly a normal, er, person. He may scare you off and-

No matter how rude did Veronica consider interrupting someone in mid-sentence, she asked:

-Are you talking about Undertaker? What do you mean, of course I would love to visit him!

Sebastian blankly looked at her, and then, as if he remembered something, responded:

-I do not think the Young Lord would be too pleased...

-Well, for your information, Sebastian, I am an independent human being who can make her own decisions without having to ask The Earl for permission. I am part of the case after all,  and I would not be surprised if this had something to do with that...Person? 

It was said with a more than a little attitude, not exactly the way Veronica usually talked. Veronica was a calm, kind, sensitive, slightly shy and caring girl who quite often lacked of confidence.

Sebastian smirked and asked something very strange, rather intriguing to himself:

"Human being? You think so...Well that explains  a lot..."


-Oh, nothing Lady Veronica.

-Sebastian, did you just say-


Veronica and the demonic butler turned around, seeing the Young Lord behind them.

-Sebastian, continued he, we are heading off to the Undertaker.

A dream or reality? A Black Butler FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now