Ch. 21

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"HARRY WAIT, NO!" Simon yelled after Harry as he ran out off the room, but unfortunately Harry was quicker than Simon was and he was out off the house before Simon had gotten down the stairs.

"HARRY, STOP" Simon screamed as he saw Harry disappeared into the night, just wearing a t-shirt, joggers and socks, it was freezing outside. Simon looked in all directions franticly but he could not see witch way he had gone, this was not good, Simon ran back inside the house to get everyone to help him, they had to find him, and they had to find him quickly, he would not survive long if he would be outside in the cold dressed like that, but no one was in the living aria or the kitchen, Ethan and Tobi were filming something when Simon burst into Ethan's room


"WHAT?" Tobi screamed back as he shot up strait away, Ethan just looked shocked

"what do you mean he ran away?" Ethan asked

"we had a bit off an argument and he ran out, he is not even wearing a hoodie or anything, we need to find him" I tell them franticly and then everything goes hectic, Ethan goes to tell Josh and JJ, Tobi goes to find Vikk and then we all come down the living room to form a game plan.

"we need to call the police!" Josh tells us all

"but they wont do anything, he has not been missing for hours, only like 10 minutes, and he might come back in a few minutes" Ethan said

"he has amnesia, he does not recognize the surroundings, like have any off you taken him out to show him what the neighborhood looks like?" Simon yelled, clearly beside himself with worry

"what happened between you two?" Tobi asked worried as he saw Simon's face

"I got butt hurt over a dream that he had, he had this dream that some people that he did not recognize were hitting him and he has trust issues and I thought he was talking about me and he got upset and ran out, this is all my fault" Simon cried as Josh and JJ both hugged him

"this is not your fault, Harry is just sensitive right now" JJ tells me trying to make things better

"but we need to go find him right away, he is going to freeze to death dressed like he is right now" I say and everyone nods, then Me and JJ go in one car, Vikk and Josh in another and then Ethan and Tobi, we decide to go in pairs and go on cars, hopefully we can find him quick, we all agree to meet back at the house in 1 hour and if we have not found him or he has not come home himself them we call the police and get them to help us find him. They can't ignore us as he has amnesia and does not know anyone that he can stay with.

"remember If you find him do not yell at him. We can't scare him off" Josh tells everyone as the logical dad that he is

"and call someone in another car strait away, so everyone will know strait away" Ethan said and then we all brake apart. Simon looks beside himself as he and JJ get into JJ's car and start driving, they have a lot off ground to cover and they don't have a lot off time. Harry could die if he would be out in this weather for the hole night, they needed to find him. 

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