Ch. 2

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"Who is Harry?" Harry asked and everyone looked at each other, before they realized what Harry had just asked them. This was not good.

"what is your name?" Simon asked concerned as he looked down at Harry who was laying on the ground moaning and holding both his hands over his head.

"I... I don't know, why don't I know my name?, what did you do to me?, where am I?, who are you? and why are you holding me down?" Harry asked starting to freak out as he was waking up more and more, he was also getting more and more confused, what was going on.

"calm down OK" Simon said to him calmly, trying to not freak out himself,

"let me go" Harry begged as he was trying to brake free from the boys.

"you fell and hit your head, the 999 operators told us not to move you, you need to stay still"

"get away from me, I don't want you here"

"Harry, listen to me"

"stop calling me Harry, stop talking like you know me, you don't know me, leave me alone" Harry pleaded as he tried to get up again and again. But JJ and Josh held him down.

"we can't let you stand up, calm down, we are not going to hurt you, I promise" Josh told him in a calm voice, he understood that Harry must be freaking out right now, he had no idea what was going on, and how could he blame him. Anyone would probably do the same if they did not remember who they were, that must be so strange to just wake up and don't remember anything.

Then they hear a siren in the distance, getting closer with every passing second, Josh and JJ were still holding Harry down as he was trying to get away from them, he did not want to be there at all, he did not understand what was going on.

"the ambulance is here now, they will fix everything, don't worry OK" Tobi said as he and Ethan were standing there looking at what was going on, they had no idea what to say, or do. Then they saw the ambulance park and two guys came out and they were carrying a lot off stuff, so Tobi ran over there to give them a hand with everything.

"what happened here?" they asked as they arrived to the boys

"we were playing football and he jumped up and I ran into his legs and he flipped over, landing on his head." JJ said

"OK, has he moved?"

"yes, he refuses to stay still, he is kinda freaking out" JJ told them

"OK, what is your name sir?"

"I don't know"

"you don't remember?"

"no, I don't know anything" Harry cried out, he was starting to freak out.

"It's OK, we are going to help you OK, will you let us help you?"

"I'm not crazy!" Harry yelled at them

"no one is saying that, just keep calm, and stay still, we are just going to take you to the hospital where they will figure out what is going on OK?"

"I don't know anyone" Harry cried out, the fact that he did not know who he was, or where he was, was really starting to freak him out.

"It's OK kiddo, everything is going to be alright, I'm going to give you something to relax, is that OK?" they asked him

"yeah OK" Harry said as the tears were starting to run faster and faster, Vikk grabbed his hand for comfort but Harry pulled his hand back, he did not trust these guys, they could have hurt him on purpose, he did not know them, they could have done this to him. He was hysterical and no one could blame him.

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