Ch. 16

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~ a few minutes earlier, when Vikk runs after Harry ~

Vikk runs after Harry, he manages to catch him before Harry locked his door.

"Harry, let me in"

"do you also want to yell at me?" Harry asked

"no, I just want to talk" Vikk told him and Harry opened the door to let him in, then he sat down on his bed and Vikk came over and joined him.

"why is JJ so mad at me, did I do something wrong?" Harry whispered

"no, you did nothing wrong, you are right, you don't owe us anything, we have been acting like nothing has happened, but a lot has happened, and we all need to come to terms with that"

"am I in the way?" Harry asked again

"NO, don't even think that, this is just a bit strange for us as well, but that is nothing compared to what you must be feeling, I have never lost a memory, I don't know what it feels like, I can't put myself in your shoes, but I just want us to be friends again."

"I just feel so awkward, I don't know what to say, I don't know how to talk to you, or them, I don't remember what you like and don't like, I'm so afraid off accidentally offending someone, I know I'm just being stupid, but I just don't feel comfortable enough to talk to you guys about everything that goes on inside my head"

"but you can talk to Simon?"

"yeah, I don't know why"

"he has made the most effort" Vikk smiled at Harry who just smiled back

"you are making an effort right now" Harry smiled

"and I hope we can keep it going" Vikk smiled back.

"are you a hugger or no?" Harry then asked

"hugger" Vikk told him as he gave Harry a big hug.

"this feels so familiar, thanks Vikk" Harry said as he let go

"you are very welcome." Vikk said smiling back at Harry.

Harry and Vikk talked about the others for a bit, Harry had questions, he was always thinking off new things to ask about, but this time, the questions were all about Simon.

"what does Simon like?" Harry asked

"he likes a lot off things, his favorite football team is Leeds, he likes to play football and he is very good at it, he and Tobi are the best at football. He is a dog person"

"Ok, but can I ask you one more thing? This time about me?" Harry asked as he looked down

"yeah, what is it?"

"was I gay before the accident?"

"did you remember something" Vikk asked hopeful,

"no, I just don't know if this feeling that I have is love towards someone in a friendship way, or a more than that way?"

"and what do you think?"

"I think more than that, but I'm not sure and I don't know what to do, or how I can tell Simon"

"let's just go and find him right now, you can talk to him"

"I'm not sure if I can do that"

"trust me, Simon likes you, he has for a long time, that I know for sure" Vikk said as he and Harry walked downstairs, only to hear the entire argument between JJ and Simon. 

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