The Start Of It All

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Castiel Novak made his way home late one night after a long case, he had been working on. He's a detective that worked along with the police, more than they'd like to admit. Castiel was about to go into his apartment when he spotted an envelope on his porch; it was pure white, sealed with a beautiful deep red wax seal. Picking it up, he stepped inside and opened it. The envelope was written about about the gang that had been causing trouble in the streets lately.

The gang on the streets were planning on robbing the richest person in town tonight. At the moment, Dean was the head, the alpha, the leader, whatever you wanted to call him, but he was the head of the gang. He had a brother named Sam, they used to do crimes together with Sam by his side. They were happy, just the two of them, and Dean taught Sam all kinds of tricks when they were young.


Unfortunately, Sam was shot in the head by a police when they were out on the lake, just them two together. The policeman followed them and was sent to kill the two head people of the gang. They got Sam but Dean dived into the water before he could get hurt. From that day on, Dean planned a big shit storm of sweet revenge on the whole law enforcement.


The richest person in town was the head detective believe it or not. But it wasn't Cas, it was Cas' boss; Hannah. The people in the gang were all of Dean's closest friends:

•Dean himself -The head leader

•Benny -Second in command

•Charlie -The technical genius

•Lucifer -Head of the action plans

•Jo -The sex appeal to get people past security

Cas sighed as he read through the letter. It wasn't much, just a tip that they were planning something big as well as a few notes on their possible whereabouts. He made a mental note to check everything out first thing in the morning but right now, five hours of sleep sounded nice.

Dean and his gang were on to attack tonight, that's what they were gonna do. Charlie hacked into Hannah's house and the power, phone lines, and all electricity went off. Lucifer made the perfect plan of how to kill Hannah and rob her. Jo got to sit this one out with Charlie back at the base. And Benny was right next to Dean and Lucifer the whole time as they went in the house with the plan set.

Benny and Lucifer got all the expensive stuff and headed out without a sound. Dear an stayed back and went to her room with a gun and a hat that covered his face if he looked down. "This is for my brother." He said as he killed Hannah with one shot and they all left back to the secret base.

Before Cas could check out any of the areas on the letter, he heard a knock on the door and went to open it. Balthazar was there, looking panicked as he explained what had happened to Hannah last night. He blinked back tears and clenched his jaws, quickly thanking Balthazar before walking past him, feeling more motivated than ever to catch them now.

Dean and his gang celebrated the next day with lots of drinks. Dean and Benny were the couple in the group, but that's not why Benny was second in command. The other couple was Jo and Lucifer. Yeah, Charlie did have a boyfriend at some point but after he broke her heart Dean killed him. Charlie was like the little sister he never wanted and had to watch out for her.

Cas made his way to the first place on the list, a warehouse near the edge of town. He pulled out his gun and stepped inside, looking around.

"Damnit." Charlie whispered as she shut everything off and went to Dean's room to tell him that the law enforcement have entered the building.

Benny and Dean were in bed under the sheets. "Fuck. Okay, Charlie round up Jo and Lucifer. Jo's got to distract them and get Lucifer on our back up plan. Charlie, you gotta find a way to get their radio's down. Benny, go ahead and kill whoever gets in our way. I'll take down the leader. Go!"

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