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Phoenix Mayflower's P.O.V:

'' Don't worry, it'll be alright.'' I assure the sobbing and shaking body of Mia, the twelve year old from Two.

'' Where have they taken him?'' She questions through tears and chokes.

'' They're just holding him in a room so he can't hurt anyone before the arena.'' I say, trying to assure myself more than her.

'' What if they take me?'' She questions.

'' Now why would they do that? The Capitol loves you!'' I say and she begins to smile.

'' I guess.'' She says.

'' Listen, why don't you team up with us in the arena? You might last longer or even to the end!'' I suggest.

'' OK. Who else is there?'' She asks.

'' Well there's Linus and Reina-'' I begin but am interrupted.

'' Reina,  she scares me.'' Mia says and stares over to the seating area where the tributes are sitting in small clusters, no doubt discussing tactics for the Games.

'' Come on.'' I say and lead Mia over towards my allies, to introduce the newest member of our truce.

Alexis Rose's P.O.V:

'' I am happy to run in to the cornucopia, I reckon I can get in and out quick enough.'' I say.

'' Yeah same.'' Replies Pod and Perrie in sync.

'' What about you two? Oasis, Dawn? Would you risk it?'' I ask.

'' I don't think I'm quick enough.'' Oasis admits.

'' I'm afraid of trying to get out of there. Within seconds there will be a war raging.'' Adds Dawn.

'' We could rendez vous, somewhere near the horn?'' Suggests Pod.

'' But where though?'' Asks Oasis.

'' Maybe when the games start just sprint as far as you can in the direction the cornucopia's tail is facing. Then we could meet up later?'' Suggest's Perrie.

'' I'm happy with that, but if there is some stuff near my metal plate, I will grab it and go.'' Says Dawn.

'' Same here. I won't go empty handed.'' Adds Oasis.

'' So it's sorted?'' I ask. '' Three of us will run into the cornucopia the two of you run and we will find you later.''

'' Yes.'' Says Pod. '' What exactly are we hoping to get though? Weapon wise, are there any special requests?''

'' Bow and arrow.'' Says Perrie immediatly. '' But I can get them myself.''

'' I'm good with throwing knives, sorta.'' I say.

'' I don't have alot of options, this wooden arm is useless. Maybe a dagger?'' Says Pod.

'' We shouldn't only get weapons, food is important too.'' Says Oasis.

'' Yeah, dying fighting is one thing, but starving is unacceptable. We need to survive this.'' I say.

'' For eachother and our families and our Districts.'' Says Pod.

'' I could use a dagger.'' Says Oasis.

'' I am good with snares.'' Says Dawn.

'' Then I guess we can only wait and hope luck is on our side.'' Says Perrie.

Byrce Cameron's P.O.V:

'' So are we all in agreement?'' I ask.

'' Yes.'' Answer my three allies in sync with one another.

'' We are all running to the cornucopia?'' I ask.

'' Yes. Pick off as many other tributes as you go, the weak ones.'' Says Ben and we nod.

'' What items are we looking for?'' Asks Fergus.

'' I'm good with swords.'' I say.

'' Me too.'' Says Ben.

'' I'm good with throwing knives.'' Says Fergus and we turn to Blue.

'' I'm good with a mace.'' Says Blue. '' But I don't know if there will be any at the horn.''

'' Let's hope we get lucky then.'' I say.

Misty Kaiser's P.O.V:

'' I'm sure the other teams have decided whether or not to go for the cornucopia. I think it would be best not to.'' Says Ayla. '' It's a bit too risky.''

'' I agree. But we can hardly leave with nothing.'' I say.

'' We need to get something.'' Adds Odelia, '' We won't last ten seconds in there empty handed.''

'' What weapons can you use?'' I ask.

'' I am good with shurikens. But I'm no ninja.'' She says and we all giggle.

'' Long range eh? Well, I'm pretty good with a sling.'' I add.

'' A what?'' Asks Odelia.

'' Slingshot.'' I explain.

'' Ah, sorry. I like blowguns.'' She says. '' Like the indians had. My mother used to tell me stories about them. They lived here before Panem. Ever since them I've been interested in them. I practiced alot, but without poison tips, they aren't much use.''

'' We could try find some, I'm good with plants.'' I say.

'' We could always use it to hunt animals, for food.'' Adds Ayla.

'' Yeah, I suppose. But that doesn't guarantee they will be in the arena.'' Says Odelia.

 '' Maybe if we last long enough, we could get lucky with a feast.'' I say.

'' They can be very risky.'' Says Ayla.

'' I know, but it could be our only hope.'' I say and they nod sternly.

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