Captiol Update: The Bloodbath

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Piper Papilon's P.O.V:

'' Hello Panem! Day one in the arena has just drawn to a close with ten deaths. Are you all happy with who is left? How 'bout that cheeky kiss between Pod and Perrie at the end? Love is certainly in the air! After the bloodbath, the first ten names were added to this years Hunger Games death toll. Half of the deaths actually came from the career alliance shockingly. That was certainly unexpected. Poor Clayton, trying to step off too early, was it suicide or is he just really bad with time?

Anyway, the tributes have set up camp for the night. The four left in the career alliance have taken over the cornucopia. Pod and the gang are nestled high up by the waterfall. Bryce and Blue are somewhere in the forrest and the three girls are camping down south near the swamp area. I guess the other tributes would expect everyone to stay away from there, the smelll is said to be truly unbearable from a distance, let alone right beside it!

I also have great news for you! You, citizens of the Capitol get to choose a special attraction for each games. For this games you can choose between tracker-jackers or mutts to enter the arena. I will keep you updated about them later on because that is all we have time for tonight. I'm Piper Papilon, thank you and good night!''

Deaths of Day One:

- Howard Duncan, District One, Seventeen.

- Mitch Jacobson, District One, Seventeen.

- Jake Perron, District Two, Sixteen.

- Tom Bruce, District Two, Seventeen.

- Daniel White, District Two, Twelve.

- Alicia Frost, District Three, Twelve.

- Beth Harrison, Distrxt Three, Fourteen.

- Fergus Smith, District Four, Sixteen.

- Ben Marsh, District Four, Seventeen.

- Clayton Chelli, District Four, Sixteen.

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