Tea and Crumpets with Mr.President

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Iris Maxwell's P.O.V:

I follow Victor out of the hall. I get a variety of looks from the other tributes, but none I haven't seen before. Dakota's little sister's old boyfriend is still here.

'' Tell her to tell her sister that I do not regret taking her place, and I would do it again.'' He pleads.

'' Tell Bell to stop being so malicious, Maya didn't get Jason killed.'' Says a woman, standing beside Bell.

I block them out though and continue after Victor. Chance mouths, ' what is wrong? ' to me but I just shrug my shoulders and then we leave the cramped waiting room. The long hallway from the training centre is bustling with people, none of which Victor can actually see and they are all asking favours from me.

'' What are they saying?'' He questions, probably seeing my annoyed face.

'' What they always do.'' I reply. '' Tell someone how much they love them. It's annoying.''

'' I'd say it is. But that is a magnificent gift you have.'' He smiles as we climb the stairs into the main building.

We go outside and he hails a cab, he asks to be taken to the millennium mansion and flashes an I.D card. We drive through the city, the roads busy with traffic going in all directions, people smiling, laughing, chatting, shopping. I suppose for anyone outside of the training room, it's just a normal day. We drive along a long stretch of road and come to the millennium mansion, where President Tiberius Snow lives with his wife, Amelia.

When we approach the giant golden gates, they open and we drive up a long road leading up to the mansion. The driver lets us out, and Victor tells him he can leave, handing him a wad of cash. We climb a small set of white marble stairs and we are greeted at the door by two tall men suited in bright red tuxedos. They greet Victor with a bow and open the double doors and we enter into a small lobby.

'' Nice, isn't it?'' He smiles when my jaw drops.

'' Wow.'' I reply, plain and simply but in complete and utter awe. '' It's beautiful.''

'' Hello Victor. Good afternoon Iris.'' Smiles Tiberius from the top of a giant stairs leading up to a second floor. They too are white marble but have an elegant red carpet stretching the whole way down.

He begins to slowly descend the stairs, smiling at us the whole time.

'' Follow me please.'' He instructs when he finally gets to the bottom.

We are led into a giant dining hall, he sits down and waves for us to join him. We take our seats and immediately a team of waiters and waitresses serve us. They place a large pot on the table, and give us each a cup of fine china.

'' Thanks.'' I smile but they do not reply.

'' They don't speak.'' Says Victor.

'' They're avoxs.'' Adds Tiberius.

'' What is that?'' I say as they place a tray of some sort of bread on the table.

'' Crumpets.'' He explains. '' I love them!''

'' They are rather delicious.'' Smiles Victor and takes a bite out of one, then washes it down with a sip of tea, I do the same.

'' So, Iris. Victor tells me you have a gift.'' He begins. '' You can communicate with the dead, correct?''

'' Correct.'' I say.

'' Are there any in the room with us?'' He asks.

'' Your father is here.'' I say and the ghost of President Snow I grins at me.

'' Really?'' He gasps and turns around, searching for him.

'' You cannot see him. He is dead.'' I explain and he turns back to face me. '' What do you want with me?''

'' How would you like to become a star here in the Capitol?'' He grins.

'' I appreciate your offer but-'' I begins.

'' Butts are for ash trays girly, now listen. I can save you from your faith. If you take me up on my offer, and beome a medium here in the Capitol, you will not have to enter the Games, you and your family can move to the-'' He explains but I interupt.

'' My family was killed by those Goddamn peacekeepers. They are dead.'' I snap angrily.

'' I am truly sorry-'' He begins.

'' You and I both know you are not sorry, you just want to use me.'' I snap again. '' I would rather die in the Games than become some Capitol freakshow!''

'' You listen here young lady.'' He begins, raising his voice and getting to his feet. '' If you do not take me up on my offer, I will make sure you die in that arena, isn't that right Victor?''

Victor gulps, then sips his tea, he does not answer.

I get to my feet.

'' If you kill me in the arena, I will come back an evil spirit and haunt you like the ghosts from previous Games' haunted your father. You never knew, but they tormented him, drove him insane. He didn't die, he killed himself!'' I scream and the ghost of Tiberius' father gets angry.

'' You're lying!'' It screams. '' Tell the truth!''

'' What is he saying?'' Asks Tiberius, calming down slightly out of fear.

'' He told me to tell you to leave me be. Do not intervene with the Games directly, see how I do on my own.'' I pause for a second and pretend to be listening to his father's kind and reassuring words, even though the words he is screaming at me are far from knid. '' Don't make the same mistake I did Tiberius.''

'' Stop it!'' Screams his father. '' You're lying!''

'' OK. I am sorry Iris. Victor, please take Iris back to the training centre. Neither of you speak of this again.'' Says Tiberius plainly.

'' Oh and sir.'' I begin. '' Don't ever call me 'girly' again.''

As the door closes behind me, the screaming voice of Tiberius' father vanishes, trapped with his evil son.

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