Finalist Interviews: Phoenix and Reina

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Piper Papilon's P.O.V:

'' Hello and welcome back Panem! I am now here with the two lovely girls from District One, both eighteen year olds, Phoenix Mayflower and Reina Wilcott! Please give them a warm round of applause!'' I yell excitedly and the crowd scream joyfully. 

They both grin happily as the crowd scream excitedly, they blow kisses and the audience scream even louder. After they finally silence, I turn to the two girls.

'' Well, firstly may I say congratulations to the both of you on making it this far, you are both crowd favourites.'' I smile and they blush. '' The District One Reapings are almost always fun, because both the tributes are volunteers, but I must say it was ridiculous, every single person from One was a tribute. I'd say the crowd got sick of hearing ' I volunteer ' every few seconds, what do you girls think?''

'' I think it is a lot better to be hearing that than sobbing kids, I mean, in One people actually lok forward to having the Hunger Games experience and I think that reflects at the Reapings.'' Replies Phoenix.

'' Yeah, I think it is more for in District One because there are no tears or screams, everyone actually enjoys themselves.'' Adds Reina.

'' Yes, that is a fair point.'' I smile. '' Do you think the amount of careers made it harder for you to be here?'' 

'' I don't think so really, it's basically the same.'' Answers Phoenix.

'' Yeah, I think it made it more fun knowing there was actually competetion.''  Adds Reina.

'' Moving forwards to the training, Reina, you managed to secure a spot in the top two tributes of District One, tell us, what exactly did you do with those axes in training that made them remember you?'' I ask.

'' I did a lot of close combat with the axe in training, then I did some throwing with it. My first hit smacked into the mannequin's head, although I was aiming for the back, I still hit a good part of it which would have been a fatality in real life.'' She explains.

'' Tell us about your single session with the GameMakers.'' I ask politely, eager to hear more.

'' I was a lot better here, I hit exactly where I was aiming, and I made easy work of the mannequins in the close combat part of it. I don't mean to seem cocky, but I knew I was getting that spot.'' She grins and the crowd cheer.

Phoenix mutters something under here breath and Reina glares angrily at her.

'' Shut your mouth traitor.'' She spits.

'' You don't mean to sound cocky? Yeah right!'' She laughs.

'' I'm gonna make it my duty to slice you up into-'' Begins Reina.

'' Girls! Girls! Calm down. We will get to your relationship problems later.'' I joke, trying to calm them down and the crowd giggles.

The two girls glare furiously at eachother for a second, then they stare at me.

'' Phoenix, tell us about your relationship with little Mia from Two.'' I smile.

'' Aw, I love Mia. She is so innocent. I am so glad she made it here with me.'' She replies cheerfully, as if the small death stare contest with Reina didn't happen.

'' You had a soft spot for her, didn't you?'' I ask. '' You asked her to join your alliance.''

'' Of course. She is adorable, and she was petrified. I couldn't let her go in completely alone.'' She begins. '' I knew she had a much better chance at surviving if she was with us.'' 

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