Training Day One

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Felicity Jones' P.O.V:

'' Hello tributes, I hope you have had a filling breakfast because in a few moments I will open the doors to the training centre and you will have six hours in here. Then, at six o' clock we will break for dinner and it is optional if you wish to return after dinner, the hall will be open until eleven o' clock tonight. Good luck and have fun!'' Smiles Remmington Ralley, the Head GameMaker as we pass him.

'' C'mon Percy. Let's get there before anyone else does.'' I say excitedly.

'' I hardly doubt there will be a queue for first aid.'' He says and smiles.

'' Hello guys, I'm the first aid station coach, shall we start?'' Smiles a woman with crazy purple hair tied up in a bun.

'' OK.'' We reply in sync enthusiastically.

'' We'll start with C.P.R. Now, in alot of Capitol movies it annoys me how wrong they get it. I will show you the correct way, you must tilt back the neck of your subject like this.'' She says, demonstrating on the mannequin. '' You do this to make sure the throat is clear so air can pass through. Then you can start the compressions, you fold your arms like this and do thirty compressions. It is important that you are compressing the sternum and you must, must, must keep your arms straight.''

'' Like this?'' I say uncertainly.

'' Perfect!'' She replies happily.

'' Now, we move onto the breaths. You must close the airway in the nose by holding it with two fingers and then breath into the subjects mouth. You breath twice and between the breaths you count, 'one-thousand, two-thousand, three-thousand, four-thousand. You repeat the process until your subject is resuscitated or they die.''

'' I don't think this is working.'' Says Percy.

'' Percy, make sure you hold the nose tight, or else the air you breath in will just come straight out again.'' She smiles.

'' OK.'' He smiles and mimicks her.

Bonnie Reale's P.O.V:

'' Welcome to the archery station, I hear you're a natural.'' Smiles a man.

'' I'm OK. I wish I wasn't though, then I wouldn't be here.'' I reply.

'' You never know, as unlikely as it is, you could've been reaped anyway. So this skill is a big advantage for you.'' He smiles.

'' I guess so. What are you going to show me?'' I ask curiously.

'' Well you already know the basics, so I will show some Capitol bows.'' He smiles and takes a silver bow from a stand beside us. '' Try this one, it's made of steel and much easier to carry than the wooden bows, the arrows also have these spikes on them so if you pierce skin they will do more damage. They work like a snake's fangs so if the victim tries to take it out it rips the skin.''

'' Oh, that's a smart design.'' I admit.

'' Try hit that mannequin.'' He says and before he finishes talking I impale the target and he smiles. '' That's too easy, I'm used to much harder targets.''

'' OK then, come with me.'' He says and leads me downstairs into a long hallway. We walk into a large room and my jaw drops. Around the room are targets, some on the far wall, others suspended from the ceiling, others are on stands on conveyor belts. The man smiles and hands me a quiver of about twenty arrows and pushes a button by the door. The lights dim and it takes a second for my eyes to adjust.

'' When the light shines on a target fire an arrow at it, you won't have long before the light switches targets so be quick.'' He says and I load an arrow into the bow carefully.

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