Reapings: District Nine and District Ten

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Simone Simple's P.O.V:

'' Thank you mayor!'' I grin massively, giving the chubby and overweight man a quick hug and stepping up to the microphone. '' The time has finally come to select our six representatives for the third installment of this years Quarter Quell.''

I step up to the bowl, normally there is two of them, one for each gender, but this year all the names are in one big reaping bowl. I dip my hand in and my long pink fingernails get a grip on one of the slips of paper, on it is the name of a very lucky child who will get to fight for their District in the Hunger Games.

'' Wilbur Cole!'' I yell excitedly and the first of our tributes makes his way to the stage. '' Hello Wilbur. What age are you?''

'' Fourteen.'' He utters quietly and none of the audience seem to hear him.

'' He's fourteen!'' I yell happily. '' Go take a seat over there, in any of the six chairs.

I plunge my hand back into the bowl and dig deep, reaching for the bottom of the glass globe. When I feel the glass, I weave my hand in and out between the slips and graasp another.

'' Florence Tempera!'' I scream enthusiastically.

The crowd is silent as a girl with brown, shoulder length hair climbs onto the stage, an unsettling grin across her small face.

'' I'm Florence, and I am twelve.'' Giggles the girl into the microphone and there are a few unsure glances in the crowd.

'' Take a seat there Florence, and we will continue with the reapings.'' I smile and the girl slowly edges back to the seats, keeping her eyes on the crowd the whole time then sitting beside Wilbur.

'' Next name...'' I begin, grabbing out another slip of paper. '' Is Jack Lambett! Come on up here Jack!''

'' I am thirteen years old.'' He says and takes a seat beside the others, not saying or doing much else. His facce looking shellshocked.

I dived back into the glass orb of paper slips, each with a name of a lucky man or woman that are probably all hoping to be picked, as it is a great honour.

'' Chance Lockarte.'' I beam happily but there is silence in the crowd, apart from a single gasp somewhere near the front. From the twelve year old section, a young girl slowly ends up standing alone, as all the other children around her step away, leaving a small gap between her and them as if she has a deadly contagious disease. There is screaming from the back, an adult, possibly her mother.

'' Please!'' Don't make her do this! She's only twelve, someone volunteer!'' Begs a woman somewhere in the crowd, her cries loud and piercing.

'' Volunteers?'' I laugh. '' Honey, this is District Nine.''

There is a silence, awkwardly long so I move on.

'' Next tribute is...'' I begin, grasping a piece of paper.

'' Oh! You little bitch! She bit me!'' Screams Chance behind me, stepping to her feet in shock, peacekeepers storming the stage.

'' What is wrong sweetie?'' I question politely.

'' Florence just bit me!'' She screams again, and shows me her arm. Blood begins to trickle slowly down it and I turn in shock to Florence who is being taken backstage, blood dripping from her grinning mouth.

'' She's an eager beaver!'' I laugh and open the slip of paper. '' Poppy Mitchel!''

From the crowd, a young girl begins to make her way towards me, she is trying her best to look neutral but her cheeks are rouged red and tears are welling in her eyes.

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