Training Day Two - Part One

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Victor Vinessity's ( Head GameMaker) P.O.V:

'' Good morning tributes, and welcome back to the training centre. I am Victor, the Head GameMaker and today you will be showcasing your skills infront of me and a couple of others. One by one you will enter, you will wait here until it's your turn but once you've finished, you may leave. We will pick the top two tributes from each District as opposed to giving each of you a rank. So, without further ado, let's get started!'' I beam enthusiastically and head into the hall, shutting the doors behind me and heading to the seating area to the others.

I sit amongst the other gamemakers and we wait for the first tribute to come in. There is dead silence as the doors open and the first tribute walks in nervously and takes his place on the marked 'X' in front of us.

'' Hello Bruno.'' I smile and the sixteen year old greets politely back.

He grabs a sword from the stand and he asks us to put the speed mode on the mannequins. The mannequins begin quickly moving towards him, handfuls at a time but he manages to sidestep or slaughter each of them. The first one, he beheads then kicks the head across the floor, rolling like a football. He pierces the gut of another and then smashes the butt of his sword into another's face. He spins and twists amongst the test dummies and makes quick work of them, none reaching him. We watch as he finishes of the last and steps back in front of us.

'' I can also do this.'' He grins, pleased to see our happy faces.

He begins to twist the sword in his hand, making quick movements, slicing the blade through the air. He moves nimbly and quickly with the sword, as if it is part of him and continues the display of presicision for the remainder of his time.

We watch as the twins enter together and step on the marker in front of us.

'' You're doing it together?'' I ask the twin thirteen year olds curiously.

'' Yes. We're a package.'' They smile, responding together.

'' OK.'' I smile. '' Take it away.''

They stand at opposite ends of the hall.

'' Victor.'' Says a voice from behind me and I jump. So do the others around me, the voice is that of the young Felicity standing across the room.

'' Over here.'' Calls Percy, waving his hands to me. '' Or am I?'' Says a voice just beside me and we all jump again, but this time, we laugh.

The duo spend a while doing this, throwing their voices rather impressively and then they mimick eachothers voices. Like a ventriloquist, Percy speaks through a tiny slit it the side of his mouth, barely visible but Felicity moves her mouth to his words, making it seem like she is him.

They then show us some of their tricks with weapons. Percy uses two small hand daggers and Felicity uses throwing knives. Both are OK at the weapons but they wouldn't do great in a fight against some of the bigger ones, then again they can do that trick with their voices and they are stealthy. The two go slightly over the time limit, but they are entertaining and have everyone smiling as they exit the doors.

Even Tucker is the next tribute to enter, the fifteen year old looking happy to see us.

'' Hi Evan.'' I smile.

'' Hello Victor.'' He responds.

'' What are you showing us today?'' I ask, he turns grabs a handful of throwing knives from the rack and grins at me.

'' These.'' He smiles.

'' Those got you in trouble alot back home didn't they?'' I ask, and he nods. '' Well they're going to be what saves your life now.''

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