Pre-Game Feast

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Misty Kaiser's P.O.V:

We are all sitting along a giant oak dining table full of food and drink beyond the wildest dreams of all the tributes here. This could last me and my family over a year if we were careful but the majority of it will probably be wasted. As starved as the children of the Districts are, you can only eat so much. I am stuffing myself silly all the same, I have to stock up for the Games tomorrow morning. I sit with Ayla and Odelia at one end of the table, away from the others.

'' Do you think our weapon choices will be at the cornucopia?'' Asks Odelia.

'' Well if we prooved ourselves in training, they may be there. They know our special skills and I'd say they want this to be as entertaining as possible so they will put them there. That way there is all the more reason to chance our arm at the cornucopia.'' I say.

'' Yeah you're right. Well let's enjoy our last proper meal for a good while.'' Says Ayla.

'' Cheers.'' I say, holding up my goblet of red wine. I had never had alcohol before, it's banned in our District but I love it.

'' Cheers!'' They both say together and we hit our glasses against each others.

Down the table there is laughter, chatting, joking. It is hard to believe that tomorrow we will be killing each other in a fight to the death.

'' I would like to propose a toast, to all of this years tributes. Wishing you all the best in this years Games. To you!'' Says President Snow.

'' To us.'' I say sarcastically and grab a giant bowl of pasta and begin shovelling it into my mouth.

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