Clayton Chelli's Cell Two

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Clayton Chelli's P.O.V:

'' There is no way out, we will be tortured until we die. Well, that's what will happen to me. You may be turned into an avox if you're lucky.'' Says Nymphadora to me.

'' Lucky? To be honest I'd rather die!'' I say.

'' Well someone has to replace the other avox.'' She says.

'' What?'' I say, confused.

'' Someone had to replace you im the arena. The sent an avox in.'' She explains.

'' Do you think he'll survive?'' I ask.

'' Of course not! They blew up his platform straight away and made it look like you stepped off too early. They couldn't have the country knowing it wasn't you.''

'' So they think I'm dead?'' I ask.

'' Yep.'' She replies.

'' I got him killed, and i got you killed.'' I say, thinking aloud.

'' I'm not dead yet kiddo.'' She says and I smile.

'' How can you be so optimistic about this?'' I ask.

'' Well it is the Capitol, death isn't the worst punishment.'' She says.

'' But your family.'' I say.

'' I'm like you kiddo, I'm an only child and both my parent's are dead.''

'' But you live in the Capitol, they can cure anything!'' I say.

'' Not old age. At least not yet.'' She replies.

'' We have to find a way to escape this place.'' I say.

'' It's impossible. Nobody has ever escaped the Capitol prisons. Or even the Capitol for that matter. You're here, I'm here and we are gonna die here.''

'' I hate Panem!'' I mutter angrily.

'' I know, that is the reason I'm in here.'' She replies and begins to sob.

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