Reapings ~ District Five and District Six

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Percy Jone's P.O.V:

'' Hurry up Felix, we will be late for the reapings. Mom and Dad have already left!'' I shout to my sister, staring at herslef in the mirror and fixing her hair.

'' I'm coming, I'm coming. Relax.'' She replies.

'' Quickly, you know what they do to those who turn up late.'' I warn and she quickly paces towards me and we both run out the door.

The square, as usual is packed with people. We take our place in the '' thirteen year old '' section just as District Five's escort, Esmerelda Essence bounces happily onto the stage. Me and my sis used to make fun of her name, jeering it's ridiculousness but when we became elegable for the reapings, her name got a lot less funny.

'' Well, those were wise words from Mayor Maxime. She is right you know, you really brought this on yourself. Anyway, without further delay I would like to get the reapings for the second installment of this years Quell underway. Happy Hunger Games everyone and may the odds be EVER in your favour.'' She said the last bit with a creepy grin on her face and I shudder in fear.

She plunges her hand into the giant reaping bowl, stuffed with the names of all the possible tributes from Five. She twirls her hand about in the bowl, stalling and causing tension. At last she stops and plucks a name from the sphere.

'' Bruno Chase!'' She exclaims happily.

A boy walks towards the stage from the '' sixteen year old '' section and there is a cry of terror from the audience.

'' No! Bruno! Please somebody volunteer. Bruno!'' Screams a woman but a peacekeeper clobbers her in the face with the butt of his gun and she collapses into her husbands arms.

Bruno looks horrified as he stands on the stage, but like the rest of us, he keeps quiet.

'' Hello Bruno. What age are you?'' She asks excitedly.

'' I'm sixteen.'' He spits back and takes a seat on a chair near the back of the stage.

'' OK, now for the next.'' She begins, plunging her long boney hand back inside the bowl. '' Evan Tucker!''

From the fifteen year old section and small boy waddles out and stands up on the stage.

'' I'm fifteen.'' He says and slowly walks to his seat, obviously in severe shock.

'' Now, our third tribute is...'' She says with her sickly grin. '' Felicity Jones!''

I hear a gasp beside me and I watch as my twin exits our section.

'' I love you Percy.'' She whispers as she turns to walk up the stage.

'' Stop! I volunteer!'' I scream and sprint after her. '' I volunteer! Let her go.''

'' Oh how exciting!'' I hear Esmerelda yell and I make my way towards the stage. '' What is your name?''

'' Percy Jones, I'm thirteen.'' I say.

'' Oh, you're her brother.'' She says.

'' Yes, we're twins.'' I reply and take a seat beside the other two tributes.

'' This is really heating up! Now, tribute number four...Jason Strange.''

From the crowd, another boy walks slowly up to the stage, his face is blank.

'' Hello!'' She greets him as he climbs the steps onto the stage.

'' I'm fifteen.'' He says in a monotone voice and sits beside me.

'' Four down, two to go!'' She beams happily.

There is silence, from my seat onstage I can see the faces of hundreds of petrified children and parents. Including mine, my mother is bawling into my father's chest and he has a hand on her head but his eyes are on me.

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