Opening Ceremonies

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Universal P.O.V:

The crowd, including myself erupt into deafening cheers and applause as the first of five carriages enters the giant circle. On it, sits the smiling and frantically waving victor of last year's Games, the District Eleven boy, Zeph Fillium. He is wearing a beautiful white tuxedo, with two bright red numbers stritched into his breast pocket, ''11.''

In the hand he isn't blowing kisses with, he clutched the weapon that won him the Games, his silver bow. He grins, pulling an arrow from a small quiver slung across his back and aims it to the crowd who all scream playfully. He fires it into the middle and a few genuine shocks of terror sound but when it hits, and the crowd see it is a fake, they laugh. The father who it landed beside hands it to a small boy with bright blue hair, who pulls it close to his chest and hugs his father.

His carriage begins to lap around the circle and a new one enters. District Nine's carriage, full of tributes enter and the crowd cheer loudly again, screaming the names of their favourites. The six tributes are smiling, the three girls are sitting on the laps of the three boys, making them look a lot closer than they probably are. The girls are wearing long shawls of flamboiant colours, the fabric doesn't look very thick, probably the clothes they wear in the grain fields, but more dolled up. The guys where similiar gowns except with a top shirt aswell. They also carry hoes that they use in the fields. Another dissapointing effort from Nine.

The District Ten carriage is next, Iris Maxwell, the only girl is stationed in the centre with the boys sitting around her. The guys look rather ridiculous, with black tuxedos on them, thye have two horns sticking out from their heads, to represent the bulls of District Ten. Iris, dressed in a brown leather skirt and jacket has cow patch patterns sewn onto the bottom rim and wrists. She holds a whip and pretends to hit the male bulls around her. Not great, but it's certainly better than last year's attempt, and also better than District Nine.

District Eleven's carriage are out next, all six tributes are coloured different shades of brown and green and are sitting on a carriage that seems to be completely fashioned from vines. As the spotlight shines on them, flowers begin to bloom on the girls, and ruby red apples begin to grow from the guys which they throw to the crowd. Very impressive, how they do it though is beyond me! The crowd cheer as the two boys toss them the apples and the girls begin to throw the flower petals into the air like confetti.

Finally, District Twelve come out. Both the male and females wear black. The girls have long elegant black dresses on and the boys have smart black suits. They are bejewelled with different coloured gems and as they move, the light reflecting on them makes their clothes come alive in a wonderful display of reds, oranges and yellows. The crowd cheers madly, which is unusual for District Twelve as they normally come out with shabby miner's outfits on.

The five carriages circle the ring as the individuals from the different Districts are called out, the crowd cheer widely some more and then they exit the ring.

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